Remembering Sunday

Chapter Two

I sat in front of my computer. I was logged on Aim but invisible. The people that I talked to don't want to talk to me, aka Alex Gaskarth. I know that I have other friends but mostly all fo them knew Alex first and as far as everyone else is concerned is that, I cheated on Alex. Therefore everyone of the mutual friends we have together have taken Alex's side and hasn't talked to me. I don't have friends that are girls. Okay that is a lie, I do have some girls that are friends but they don't live near me. They are Kaylee Johnson, Martin Johnson's little sister. There is also Marry Melissa and Marlene Hacklyan's. They are known as the triplets. Those are the only girl friends that I have. Kaylee is like my best friend. She is the only person that I told about the incident.

She things I should tell Alex but that was his choice to not listen to what I had to say. I tried to explain myself to Alex but he wouldn't listen. I can't make him believe he wouldn't listen. I can't make him believe what I have to say so fuck him. I heard my ding go off, signaling that someone Imed me. I looked to see that it was Kaylee. I didn't tell her about my not eating. I knew she would freak and tell her brother Martin, who would tell both Zack and Alex. I wasn't going to let Alex find out about that, nope, that wasn't happening. I smiled and Imed her back.

The_Party_Scene: Hey girl, what's up?
Learning to Fall: Hey, not much just got back.

Awww, yes, she had gone on tour with her older brother. I would have gone on that tour if I hadn't gotten a job.

The_Party_Scene: Yah, I missed you girl.
Learning to Fall: Awww, I missed you to, have you seen you know who yet?
The_Party_Scene: Yeah, unforunately, they were all in the livingroom when I got home from work.
Learning to Fall: Girl, you need to tell him what really happened.
The_Party_Scene: No way, he didn't want to listen to me after it happened, besides, he would just accuse me of making it up.

There was no way I was just telling Alex what really happened. I knew he would never believe me and accuse me of making it up. I sighed and looked back at the computer.

Learning to Fall: Alright but I still think you should tell him. He deserves to know that one of his friends is scum.

I couldn't help but laugh after that. Kaylee was a kick ass chick. I really had no idea what I wiould do without this girl. She is what kept me going after the incident.

The_Party_Scene: Alright girly girl, I will let you go unpack and rest.
Learing to Fall" Ha, ha, trying to get rid of me. I see how it is lol nah, I will see you later, later.
The_Party_Scene: Lol alright, later.
Learning to Fall has signed off.

I clicked an away message on not really wanting to deal with anyone else. I turned around just to come face to face with my brother standing in the doorway. He had his arms crossed over his chest. I had no idea how long he had been standing there but hopefully not to long. He shook his head and walked into the room. He sat down on my bed and leaned back.

"So is there a reason you barely ate anything at dinner?" He asked and I silently cursed myself in the head. I thought he hadn't noticed. I fidgeted with my fingers.

"I wasn't hungry, I had already eaten early and was still full from that." That was was a complete lie but Zack didn't need to know that. He seemed to be satisfied with that answer.

"Okay, one more thing. What really happened here?" He asked me. I didn't know what to do. I was stuck between telling him what really did happen or what I just let everyone else think happened. What Alex had been telling everyone that happened.

"You know what Alex has been saying happened." I went with.

"Fallon Marie Merrick don't you dare lie to me. I know, that isn't something you would do. Don't forget we are twins. I know when something happens to you. So why don't you tell me what actually happened, no lies, no semi truth, I want the whole truth. I fought so hard to kepe from breaking down. I couldn't lose it in front of him. I tried to lighten the mood by quoting a movie we had seen a few times.

"You can't handle the truth." I saw a smile crack on his face but then went back to serious when he saw a tear drip down my cheek. He took my hand in his and moved back, so he had his back pressed against the wall, pulling me so that I was rested on his shoulder.

"Shhhh, you can tell me gummiebear. That is what cracked me. He had come up with that nickname when we were little and I went an obsessed stage for gummiebears.

"It didn't go down how people said it did, did it?" He asked. I shook my head and he pulled me closer.

"What really happened Fallon?" He asked me. I sighed to collect my thoughts.

"I had gone to a party that Jordan was throwing. He said I was being to mopey because all of you guys were on your, so he dragged me there. I don't know why I stayed, my senses were telling me to leave. But I didn't, I stupidly stayed. I had a few drinks but I wasn't hammered or anything. Then that was when Kellen came over to me. We started talking, he kept asking where Alex was. I told him you guys were away on tour. He started to get drinks, I knew I shouldn't have accepted them but I did. He started saying things like, how did I know Alex was being faithful to me? He was still getting me drinks. I had no idea what he had planned. I began to get dizzy and he brought me somewhere. I thought he was taking me home but that wasn't the case. He brought me up to one of Jordan's rooms. Then he start to um," man this was hard for me to explain to. espeically my brother.

"He started," Zack took my hand and gave it a sweet squeeze to show he was there.

"Kellen started to touch me in certain places, I tried to push his hands away but he wouldn't listen to me. I started to struggle. He took my shirt off and I told him no, then he got forceful." I had tears streaming down my cheeks now. "He forced himself onto me and I tried to fight him but he was so much bigger than me. He raped me and left me up in that room. That was what the others must have seen, was him going down the stairs. That's when I got the phone call from Alex. I don't know which one told him about me and Kellen but they got it wrong." I sighed and rested against Zack.

"I knew that what Tony told Alex wasn't true, wasn't the truth. I tried to convince Alex but he wouldn't listen. I am sorry we weren't here to help you. But you should think about telling Alex." I shook my head fast, I couldn't tell him.

"Alright but I think he would understand more than you think he would." I was tired and Zack laid down and pulled me with him. I cuddled up against him like I used to and closed my eyes. I listened to him hum some All Time Low song and I fell asleep.
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Alright guys, let me know if this story is good or not, I have one yes, but I need a few mores, so give me some comments on whether or not you like it.

Thanks to the ones that are reading.