Tonight, I'll Dream of You

Chapter 3

“God freaking damn it!” I yelled, sitting up in my bed. Not that dream again. Why wouldn’t he ask me what was wrong? All he did was try to distract me. Distract me from what? What the hell was I freaking crying about?
That’s it, I give up. I give up completely. It’s stupid; these dreams are stupid and ridiculous and are making me think that I’m crazy.
I looked at the time, eight o’clock. How the hell does a person fall asleep reading a book. Oh yes…when that book is the most boring thing ever. I stretched, curling my toes and got up to get some water. I really needed a little fridge in my room. I never stopped going to the kitchen to get food.
“Hey honey, where were you?” My mother looked up from her crossword once I had made it down the stairs and into the kitchen where she was currently residing in.
“Hey mother, I was sleeping.” I took a seat in front of her, folding my hands neatly on the tabletop.
Looking up from her crossword once again, she dropped her pen. “Is there something you want Aurora?”
I shifted uncomfortably at first. Would I tell her what was going on once again, only for her to freak out? Or would I just shut my mouth and deal with it myself for a change.
“Aurora…what is it?”
I sighed. I couldn’t hide anything from my mom, and I knew that. “One word mommy dearest: dreams.”
She groaned, “Not again baby.” Frowning, she got up and grabbed the phone. “I’m calling the doctor and figuring this out.”
I shot out of my seat. “No mom, no.” I screeched, ripping the phone out of her hands. She shot me a worried look and I sighed. “Don’t worry about it mom. I don’t want to see a doctor.”
She crossed her arms as I set the phone back in its place. “Then who are you going to see? Tell me what is going to stop those dreams because to tell you the truth Aurora, I’m sick and tired of hearing about them.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine, if that’s the way you like to act, I won’t tell you anything. I will be in my room, dreaming about a boy I don’t know about. Please do not disturb.” I smiled at her, and got a water bottle from the fridge before walking upstairs.
“Aurora, get back here. I’m calling your doctor. You are going to a shrink.” My mother called after me.
“Yea, whatever you say mom. You said you would send me to an all girls’ school when I came home with Damon, but did you? Nope you did not.” I yelled back at her.
“The offer still stands.”
Mothers; they think they know you, but they really don’t. Well, at least that’s how it is for me.
I looked at my clock once more, it was still too early to go back to sleep. I wasn’t tired anyways. That stupid nap gave me a nice rest.
Who was I kidding? I cared too much about these dreams to forget about them. There was obviously something going on if I kept dreaming about him.
Clicking onto my best friend, I typed in the meanings of dreams.
“You are entering a mysterious and fascinating world of dreams where the rules of reality do not apply.” I read aloud quietly. “No other individual can have your background, your emotions, or your experiences.” I scrunched my eyebrows involuntarily and sat back.
So…no one can have the same dream as me. I’m the only one dreaming this then. Okay, good to know. Reading on…
“What causes or why do some dreams keep repeating themselves?” Okay, this is what I need…I think. “Dreams that recur is a clear indication that some issue is not being confronted or that it has not yet been resolved. Your anxieties about a certain situation that you are struggling with may also cause you to have recurring dreams.”
What the hell? What problems do I have…? Okay, this is ridiculous. This is not helping me at all.
Okay…so I kept having this dream where I was crying. Crying about what? I have nothing to cry about.
Except that incident.
But I wouldn’t think about that. Because that only brought back bad memories.
Memories that I refused to recall. Memories that were forbidden in my brain.
I shut off the computer.
What was going on with my life?


“So you have not met this young man, correct?”
I rolled my eyes. I told my mother a stupid shrink or whatever this person was would not help. How stupid could this man be?
“No.” I answered bluntly.
He nodded. “So is that a ‘no, I have not met him’ or a ‘no, that is incorrect’?”
Oh for heaven’s sake. “It’s a no I have never met this person in my life. I have no reason to be dreaming about this person. It’s a no way I’m staying here anymore because this is a waste of my time, and my mother’s money.” I got up, grabbing my purse. “Thanks for your help, but I’ll deal with this on my own, thank you very much. Have a nice day.”
“Miss, I strongly suggest you don’t walk out of here so quickly.” The way he said it, for some reason made me stop.
“And why is that?”
He took off his glasses, placing them on the oak table. “You told me you did some research on the internet. But what you read on the internet is not always correct.”
My eyes narrowed as I took a seat once again.
“What if I told you that your soul could be connected to someone else’s soul?”
I leaned back. “I would say you’re crazy. I don’t believe in stupid crap like that.”
This man was really getting on my nerves.
“Things that you call stupid crap are very possible reality. Do you trust me?”
“No.” I answered honestly.
He chuckled. “Well, you are going to have to learn to.”