The Unknown Child

This is the story of the unkown child the one noone knew about. Voldemorts child. Her name was Saphire, and she had a secret love affair with Fred Weasley. Her mother was a elf who fell in love with Voldemort. The first couple chapters will describe her mom and dads love and end. While the next part are her and Fred. While all the rest are her daughters journey. Her name was Kat. Read on for this twist of insanity of the Harry Potter series.
  1. Faite and Tom
    You guessed it Voldermort and his lover...
  2. The unkown child is born. The last elf is gone.
    Yes its moving fast. But you all know Voldemorts story, and Faite was a short part in his life. The next chapter will be much longer. I promise
  3. Raised by Muggles.
  4. Troll.Secrets.