Life After Death

Chapter 3- memories

She threw off the covers, another sleepless night. Walking down the hall, tying her robe tight, she pauses at his door. A door that filled the room with his memories, stuff, and his often weird smell. Sighing she opened the door, and her eyes scanned to dark untouched room.

“hey get out of my room!” Jake yelled at his sister.
“geez take a chill pill man I was just looking for a good CD to listen to.” Roxy smiled as she grabbed a couple she liked.
“Well, ask next time before taking something from my room!” Jake still yelled, as his sister slowly emerged to the door.
“Dude, just because you own the house doesn’t mean you can boss around everyone in the house.” Roxy stated back, so still had yet to raise her voice, which was typical sibling banter.
“Yes it does! My house my rules!” Jake now yelled at Roxy who was walking back to her room.

Smiling at the thought as she finally took a step inside, as she thought of another memory.

Roxy knocked on the door, and waited for his answer. A small “come in” was heard as she reached for the door knob.
“hey Jakey what’s wrong?” Roxy said as she came into the room and sat down on the bed next to her brother.
“Please, you know I hate when you call me that, were not kids anymore.” Jake still laughed though, as did Roxy. “Hey Roxy, tell me the truth, am I good skateboarder?”
Roxy thought about it for a second, “ No.” which got a sad sigh from Jake. “ Jake! You are not a good skater, you are a fuckin’ amazing skater. Why would you even ask this?”
“I don’t know, I’m just nervous. I mean anyone would be, it’s the X Games just…..”
“just what?”
“It just….that its my 8 X game, and I have yet to medal. I always get 4th.”
“ Jake, I believe in you, you are one of the strongest people I know. Just forget about the past and focus on the future and trying to change it.”
“Ok, yeah your right, well I better finish packing and get to bed, mom and dad will be here early to take dad and I to the airport.” And with that Roxy, smiled gave her brother a hug, and walked back down the hallway to her room, and fell asleep.

Wiping her eyes, as tears now flooding down her face were getting on the floor. She quickly walked back out of his room, quietly closed his door, and then walked down the hallway back to her room, and laid in bed and cried herself to sleep.