Love Is Insane

Endless Dark

A fly had been let into a large brick building on top of the hill. It flew up the stairway, right into room 213. The bug landed on a bed that had been made for over a month. From across the room, Ville Valo stared at the annoying creature from his own bed.

Ville's eyes narrowed as the creature crawled around on the bed. It was mocking him. Mocking that he had to stay in this building.

I can get out anytime I want. Can you? No, no you can't cause you're insane. You're insane and I'm not.

Ville grabbed the magazine off of his side table. He overreacted, again.

The magazine was rolled. Ville hit the bed with it over ten times. The fly flew off and back out of the room. Ville payed no attention to the fly, tearing the comforter off of the bed.

After the small outburst, Ville sat back down. Instead of still being angry, he felt very, very sad.
He lied on his bed facing the ceiling.

"Fuck..." he muttered.
It's lonely in this room.

He heard the sound of someone being wheeled down the hall.

He sat up and put his legs to his chest, stared across the room at the mirror. The room once had a painting of a waterfall, but Ville had gotten angry and crashed it, along with most things in the room. After that, he'd been dragged to the padded room...again.

He hadn't been there in nearly a week. He stopped seeing the point in getting upset anymore.

I'm going to die here.

He looked at the reflection in the mirror. A man with messy, long brown hair, beautiful green eyes that shot through your soul. A skinny man with tight pants and a old shirt. He was cleanly shaved.

There wasn't much of a point other then to pass time, every other day Ville sits in the bathtub in the washroom and shaves his whole body. Even with a nurse watching. It's required, even if you take a quick bath, a nurse must watch you, if you're given a razor. At first it felt a bit awkward, bathing in front of a nurse and with other patients in the room. Anymore, it seemed like nothing.

He'd gotten use to most routine in the place. Taking a sleeping pill at 10 o'clock, falling asleep by 11 o'clock. Rise and shine at 8am.

(some longer than others),
R e p e a t.

Of course there was the recreational room and to watch television, but even being in a mental hospital as long as he had been, some of the other patients just bothered him.

What Ville really wanted was to get out. He wanted to be able to walk around outside. Get a happy feeling, a normal feeling back.

But they didn't feel that Ville was stable enough to do that.
To be
f r e e.

How on Earth can I be stable when I can't do anything on my own?

The full three years Ville Valo had been there, they hadn't given him a proper treatment.

"This is floor 2 where the patients stay. There's a living room down the hall..." the voice of a nurse faded.

Oh, a newbie...I feel sorry for him...