Love Is Insane

Wicked Game

After Bam had made himself comfortable (as comfortable as possible), Ville asked him if he'd like to be shown the the cafeteria. It was lunchtime.

"No," Bam said.

"I normally don't eat lunch...I just thought I'd ask," Ville said getting a bit irritated with the tone Bam was using.

Bam didn't say anything else.

In a way Ville did feel sorry for him. He'd been locked up for 8 years, but Ville didn't act sorry. His emotions were always messed up, anyway. He hated to show them at all. They all ended in a n g e r.

After a few minutes of silence Bam broke it. "So, what'd you get sent here for?"

Ville glanced at Bam. "I have a problem with my emotions. They're all screwed up and I get pissed off too easily. I'd threatened to kill too many people. I use to be suicidal."

Normally, Ville wouldn't open up to anyone. He just felt like he could Bam. He'd only been here a few hours and he was already feeling close to him...

"You were suicidal too?" Bam asked.

"Yeah..." Ville said starting to feel sad thinking that the man across the room hurt himself in any way.

"I don't even feel like I need to be here," Bam said. "It's not like there aren't crazy people out on the streets. Hell, people that have murdered are out on the fucking streets. It ain't just me..."

"You killed someone?" Ville asked, smirking.

"Fuck no. I'd be in jail."

"Might as well be."

"I know right? I am so sick of these places. They're all the goddamn same, with their stupid routines and their fucking schedules."

"I lived in Finland before this place," Ville said.

"They sent you to another country for being insane?"

"My parents thought it's be better if I was in the best asylum possible."

Bam didn't care anymore. He was bored with asking questions and listening to someone gripe. Bam changed his mood entirely. It wasn't just his mood his entire persona had changed. That was a part of his problem.

"I miss alcohol," Ville said, breaking the silence, feeling like talking now.

"I once snuck out of an asylum in Cali and snuck the bottle of liquor back with me when I got caught. I had it down my pants."

"You didn't get caught with a bottle of liquor shoved down your pants?"

"Nope. The stupid fuckers."

It was silent again. Ville stared across the room at the man that was looking around the room. "I have to tell you this..." Ville began.

Bam looked at him. "Tell me what?"

"I'm gay."

Bam shrugged.

Ville was relieved he didn't say a word.

"I am too." Bam said.



"Then why'd you--"

"Yes I am. I'm not. Fuck!" Bam exclaimed starting to pull his hair. "Leave me alone! Please..."

Ville lifted an eyebrow. "Um...sure. I just--"

"No, not you. Them." Bam said. "We all fucking hate it here! I just want out...Out!" He pulled harder on his brown locks.

Ville stared at the man across the room. The blue eyed boy gritted his teeth as he pulled on his hair. He was perfect...

"Fuck!" he exclaimed standing up. He shoved the bed against the wall.

A nurse entered the room. "Is everything alright in here?"

"No!" Bam yelled. "They won't leave me alone!" He crashed to the floor. "Leave me alone!"

The nurse approached him with cation. "Bam, come with me..."

"No!" Bam exclaimed. "Get them to stop!" he exclaimed covering his face with his hands.

Ville felt sympathetic. Bam obviously couldn't help it.

The nurse exited the room.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!"

She came back into the room with three other nurses. One of them had a straight jacket. Ville turned the other way and closed his eyes.

"No! Tell them to stop! Leave me alone..."