Love Is Insane

And Love Said No

"Did I do something wrong?" Bam asked, staring at the man he'd just kissed.

"No, not at all," Ville replied.

"Good," Bam said.

Ville pressed his lips to Bam's. The two sat close, kissing for a while. Bam ran his hand along Ville's thigh. Ville moved closer to Bam with his left hand in Bam's hair and his right all over Bam. Bam slipped his tongue into Ville's mouth. Ville fought Bam for dominance and won sliding his own into Bam's mouth. The two kept at it until, Bam pulled away.

"I've never...felt so happy with something..." Ville said quietly.

Bam smiled.

Ville's eyes were black and his mouth was black like a skull...

Bam backed away.

"What?" Ville asked.

Bam shook his head, "Nothing." then, got up and left the room.

Ville sighed. What did I do wrong? He lied on his back. I've never been happier. But, I've never felt worse. Is this what real life feels like? Is this how a normal relationship starts? Did I go to far? What happened...

Ville sighed and shut his eyes.

"Ville..." Bam said.

Ville shot up. "Oh, fuck, you scared me!"

"Sorry..." Bam said. "I'm completely sorry...for getting up like that. It's just, you, I saw you. But, you weren't you. I'm sorry I freak out like that on you."

"It's not your fault," Ville said, relieved it wasn't something he'd done.

Bam sat next to Ville. "You know, I've only known you a little over a week...but, I like you a lot."

"I feel the same way," Ville said. "I just was confused about the way you felt. When I said I was gay you sort of freaked out."

"I'm not..."

Ville tilted his head to the side. "What?"

Bam shrugged. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Ville sighed. "Never mind. Just never fucking mind!" Ville stormed out of the room.

He came to a nurse in the hall. "I need to go to a padded cell."

"Well, hold--"

"Put me in a padded room before I choke you."

Her eyes widened as she got 2 other nurses and the straight jacket. They put Ville in the jacket and escorted him down the the padded cell. The door slammed shut and locked.
Ville was so upset, he just ran into walls with full force. He bounced right back off of them. He continued until he ran out of energy.

He slumped down against the wall. He'd asked to be taken here. He wanted out. He wanted Bam. A tear streamed down his cheek.

"I hate this place, I hate it here, I need to get out. I'm going to die here. I'm going to drop dead here. Then, my soul will be trapped here. I'll always be in hell."

Ville wished he could at least move his arms to wipe off his face. He wished he could talk to Bam. It was all so confusing.

All Ville could think about was that kiss. The kiss he didn't understand.