Love Is Insane

Heartache Every Moment

Ville was escorted back to his room hours later. Bam was sitting down on this own bed. Ville sat on his bed across the room.
Bam looked up at Ville. "Are you mad at me?"
Ville sighed. "No," he said sitting, "I'm just mad at the situation..." I could never be mad at you. You're the most perfect person I know. I just- we just don't deserve to be here.
"Oh, okay...I was afraid you were."
The clock read 8: 27 pm. Time for the sleeping pill. The two headed down the the lobby to fake taking it. Bam hid the small white pill under his tongue. Ville did the same.
Then, they were on their way back to the room. Bam put his arm around Ville's waist. Ville glanced at Bam. Bam spit the pill into the floor and looked back at Ville. Ville was looking away from Bam. Bam's arm was warm around Ville's bare waist. His shirt was short enough to reveal skin.
Bam entered the room first, letting go of Ville. Ville shoved the pill in the same hole in his mattress as all the others.
"Why are you...teasing me?" Ville asked.
"What?" Bam asked.
Ville sat and looked down. Will you at least kiss me again?
Bam sat next to Ville. "You want to push our beds together?"
Ville looked up at Bam and smiled slightly at the man next to him. "Okay."
The boys pushed their beds together.
Ville watched Bam sit on the now bed. Why are you doing this? Why do you have to be so perfect?
"Sit next to me, please?" Bam asked.
Ville sat next to the blue eyed man.
Bam hesitated, "I have to go into surgery."
"What?" Ville asked. "Why? When?"
"Well, sometime next week. They're going to drill holes in my skull and like poke my brain. That way, I'm not crazy anymore." Bam said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Well that's great isn't it?" Ville said. "I mean you'll get out of this prison."
Bam sighed. "Yeah, I might...They told me I didn't have to do this. They told me I wouldn't see or hear things anymore. But, it might change me."
"Change you?" Ville asked concerned.
"Yeah...I could become the complete opposite of what I am. I might become more childish and not able to adapt which means I will have to stay here. Or, it might not work at all..."
"No...your perfect." Ville muttered looking at the floor.
"Then again, it might go completely wrong..."
"Yeah, I could die..."
Ville was silent.
Bam put his hand on Ville's chin tilting his head back up at Bam. His green eyes shimmered with tears. I'm already too attached.
"Hey don't worry about me..." Bam said. He leaned close to Ville's mouth. "I'm always here." He kissed Ville softly.
Ville smiled a bit. "Okay."
Bam kissed Ville again. "I...I think I love you."
Ville was surprised.
"I know I've only known you for what 2 weeks? But...I think I do."
Ville smiled. "I love you too."
"You, you do?" Bam smiled.
Bam kissed Ville again.