Love Gilbert Roosevelt

Rebellious Love

It was the late 1800's, on a warm sunny after noon. It was in the park that I first laid eyes on my love. My love was sitting under a mountainous willow tree, reading a thick, black leather bound book. I never did catch the name of what My Love was reading for I didn't hold the courage to show My Love that I am alive. My Love stayed there all day and all evening, and it wasn't until 9:30 at night that we got up to leave.
When I got home I couldn't slumber, all I could think about was My Love. So, I sat at my old wooden desk that's infront of the window and scribbled in the candle light;
“Dear Love,
You are the beautiful sun setting on my beach of golden sand. You are not the witching hour of my night but the full moon in my twilight. I have been thinking of you all day. You are not the reward at the end of my journey but my priceless treasure, the one that I have been trying to find for the entirety of my life. I wish to learn the name of the one that stole my heart and soul!
Gilbert E. Roosevelt.”
The next day, I arrived early at the park. I waited near the willow tree that My Love had sat under the day before. It felt like years had gone by until My Love arrived snd sat in the same spot like I'd hoped. My Love had that big retched thing people call a novel when it's just a bumch of bloody fairy tales! I waited for a while, staring at My Love, until I got up the courage to deliever the letter of my soul to My Love. As I got up, I went to grab the letter from my front pocket but it wasn't there. Panic struck over my mind like it does to a rabbit when it senses a fox, but my feet took on a mind of their own and kept moving towards My Love, who had already noticed my presence.
"Hello, how's your day?" My Love said while my heart was tring to break through my ribs at the smooth sound of My Love's voice.
"H-hi.I'm-I'm good thank you." I stuttered nervously, "How are you on this fine afternoon?"We chatted under the willow for the majority of the day.
I have learned the name of My Love today! The owner of the dark amber curls to the mid back. The olive crescent moons in the hazelnut eyes, the stars lightly sprinkled across the bridge of her nose and along the banks called cheeks. The lips as pink as a cherry blossom is the beautiful Alexandrea S. Shutz.
I have also learned that My Love likes Richard Strauss’s operas. I must remember to purchase seats for his next showing. Alexandrea is also a vegetarian! She loves animals and refuses to eat meat. My Love is quite rebellious, for I saw her ankles and she even took off her shoes! I’m glad no one noticed or else she would have gotten in serious trouble. Tomorrow we will enjoy a picnic together under our special spot. My nerves are running rapidly because I don’t know what she thinks of the letter.