Courting the Courted


I walked into Seishun Academy, or Seigaku of short, looking for the tennis club. I had been on the team at my old school in America. I had short boyish like black hair and dark blue eyes, and a little short for my age. I had only been attending Seigaku for a few hours but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to play tennis. I had found the court with a little help from a few people and leaned against the metal pole of the door to the court.

“You guys still looking for players?” I asked looking over the team.

“Yeah – One of our star players is moving away.” A tall black haired guy said monotonously, “I’m Inui Sadaharu.”

“It’s your lucky day then.” I said walking up to them. I adjusted my tennis bag so it sat more comfortably on my shoulder.

A short boy with a greenish tinge in his hair smirked, “Let’s see how you play – you OK with going against me?”

I returned his smirk, “Just make sure that your panties aren’t in a not though.” I saw a ray of anger in his eyes as we both pulled out our rackets and took our spots on the court.

“Why don’t you serve it?” He asked.

“You can serve it – I always let the Girl serve first.” I replied pulling my racket out. I heard him growl under his breath.

“You’re more of a girl with that pink racket.”

“Oh – so you’re hitting on me – just serve the thing now’ll you?”

He served it – but it wasn’t a normal serve, it had added a bit of twist to the ball. I smirked and ran at the ball, my racket almost touching the ground, hitting it back to him with just as much spin. I heard him gasp everyone gasp as I scored the first point.

“You’re good – for a ‘girl’.” He said as he got ready to serve it again. I smirked as I got ready. He sent a normal serve at me, I easily hit it back at him, and he returned it. We were locked in a good match for a while until Inui decided to call it.

“Welcome to the team – Oh, we don’t know your name.”

“I’m Chi.” I said smiling.

“I can’t believe that you took on Echizen in such a match!” A guy with a green bandana yelled, “I’m Kaidoh Kaoru!”

“Are you up for this weekend’s tournament?” Inui asked me.

“Like I’d miss a chance to show this guy up?” I asked rhetorically, the team laughed, excluding Echizen.

After the first practice – which was easy compared to the ones back in America, my mom came by to come pick me up.

“Did you make the team?” She asked right away.

“Yeah, I did.” I said as I took my shirt and pants off.

“That’s my Chiharu! Go for gold honey – so who else is on the team?”

“A bunch of guys-“

“You’re the only girl?”

“They don’t know that I’m a girl.” I said as I whipped out my make up bag.

“Chiharu,” My mom yelled in anger, “How long do you think this masquerade can keep up? As soon they hear your name they’ll know you’re a girl!”

“I told them my nickname – Chi.” I said as I glazed my lips.

“We’ve been invited over to the Echizen’s house tonight for dinner.”

“Echizen? There’s a guy on the team with that name! Oh shit – if it’s him – Argh!”

“See Chiharu – what kind of trouble you’ve already gotten into. I’ve laid out a outfit for you in your room. We’ll be leaving at six.”

“Please mom – please don’t make me go!”

“You’re going and that’s final!”

I sighed and slide my contacts out putting on my glasses, “There’s a tournament this Sunday.”

“And you’ll win it!” I jumped out of the car and headed up towards the house. I unlocked the door and burst into the washroom to take a much needed shower. Echizen was really good – but I was used to a challenge. I dried my short hair, changed into a pair of tight pale blue jeans and a black and white tank top. I put on some lip glass and mascara, added a braid on each side of my head so it went behind my ear, and pinned them into place.

“We’re leaving now!” My mom called up to me.

“I’m coming down!” I yelled in reply as I slide on my glasses and jumped down the stairs.

“There’s my Chiharu!” my mom yelled as she walked out the door behind me. We walked across the street and knocked on the Echizen’s door. I held my breath for a moment. The door opened and a tall man with dark skin wearing monk’s outfit greeted us.

“Hello – you must be Chiharu – welcome!” He said rushing us inside.

He forced us down into a seat at the table. I was right across from Echizen. He eyes scanned over me quickly. I sighed mentally.

“I’m Nanjiro; this is my son Ryoma and my lovely wife Rinko.” He said happily taking his seat at the table.

“Thank you for inviting us into your home, I’m Kyouko, and this is my Daughter Chiharu. We just moved back to Japan after spending four years in America working on Chi’s tennis carrier.”

“Oh Tennis – My son’s one of the best tennis players around!” Nanjiro boasted as Ryoma started putting some Tempura onto his plate.

“Oh, not better than my daughter – she won the men’s Wimbledon junior open last year.” My mother bragged as she scooped some rice onto her plate, then a scoop onto mine. Ryoma’s head popped straight up and looked into my eyes.

“You’re too much of a girl too win like that.”

“You saying girls are weak?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“You ass!”

“I challenge you too a match!”

“Sure – after dinner.” I smirked as I took a bit of the fried fish. It was sooo good!

After dinner I ran back to my house to grab my racket so I could play, “Ready to lose?”

He scoffed, “You better be. Why don’t you serve, since you said you always let the girl serve first.”

My eyes widened, I reluctantly took the ball and served, just a weak normal serve. ‘Shit, he must have realised that Chi and I are the same person!’ He returned it easily with no spin. We kept going on volleying the ball until I put a little extra spin on the ball, it hit Ryoma’s racket and it landed in his side of the court. His eyes were wide.

“Beginners luck.” He said out of spite.

“Gee – I didn’t know that someone who’s been playing tennis for eight years was a beginner.” I said with my right hand over my heart, “You’re too easy compared to some of the people I’ve faced.”

“Oi let me have a shot!” Nanjiro yelled coming onto the court with his own racket.

“Let’s play – you can serve.” I said getting into my stance. He smirked and served I saved it and it was fifteen love. He served again, thirty love. Again, forty – five love, yet again – I won.

“Wow, you’re good.” Ryoma said walking over to me as Nanjiro and my mother had a heated argument, “But why are you pretending to be a guy?”

“The guys division is harder than the girls division – but please promise me that you won’t tell anyone at school or anyone you know that Chi is Chiharu, that Chiharu is Chi – nothing. Please – I’m begging you!” I said tears in my eyes.

“How could I ever say no to a girl with braids?” He said handing me a glass of water, “You know how to get to the tournament?”

“No idea,” I said.

“I’ll pick you up at around eight OK. We’re taking the train.”