Courting the Courted


I walked up to my team, racket at my side, “Hey guys – ready for some fun?” I asked smiling.

“Wow, I never thought that Chi – Chiharu could be so girly.” Tezuka said smirking.

“Hey – I’m manlier than you – even when I’m not pretending to be dude!” I retorted, a pout in place on my lips.

“You just got served!” Momo said laughing – his arm around my shoulder.

I laughed holding his hand lightly, “I’m not your personal arm candy.” I flicked his arm down off of my shoulder.

“We only have seven people.” Inui interjected.

“That’s right Ryoma hasn’t shown up yet.” Kaidoh said.

“He said he’d met me at the corner last night but he didn’t show up.” I said half minded. They all gasped.

“Does he normally meet you?”

“Every morning.”

“That’s not good.”

“Guys, I got a hold of him. He was apparently helping a pregnant woman get to the hospital.” Oishi yelled running up. My eyes lowered into a glare, Ryoma had told a lie.

“Number 128 Seigaku here to Sign in,” Tezuka said to the man standing in the sign in tent.

“I will confirm your placement – you will play five games, you need to win at least three of the five to move on. In order to qualify for the Kantou Regional Tournament, you have to be in the top five. The top four school qualify automatically. The four schools that lose in the quarter finals will compete for the last spot. Oh – you have a girl on your team too.” He said – his eyes wandering over to me with doubt in his eyes, “You’ll play four games and have to win three still. Since you’re the only one I guess the entire school’s female populace is routing for you.”

After we left the sign in tent I had built up so much I anger I had to scream, “I hate that guy!”

“Why do you hate him?” Fuji asked.

“He was a total sexist!” I said as I began to warm up with the rest of the team. Alas, the girls were on the other side of the park so I couldn’t be with my team. My first match was against a girl from Saint Regulas, Ashida Mina. I stepped onto the court once it was my turn with my racket at the side. Mina had long brown hair and her uniform was a mud brown with yellow lining. She served the ball, a simple double knot, I returned it scoring. I kept scoring – she was easier than Ryoma. My other matches went the same way. I was in the Semi finals already because not very many teams actually have a girl on their team. The two Matches were easily finished, now it was time for the finals. I knew that I was already going to Regionals but we still had to have out match. I was going up against a girl from St. Rudolph, Atarashi Desiree.

We took to the court – a burning desire to win in both of our eyes. I threw the ball into the air and served my always handy ‘Comet’. It was about to hit the inner court when Desiree saved it and hit it back. My jaw dropped – she was the first person every to return that serve. She had put a little backward spin on the ball; I returned it with greater spin. We were running all over the court – no points scored, until my foot got tangled with my other foot as I jumped to hit the ball back. I missed it by an inch. I fell on my ankle. I knelt in the center of the court breathing heavily through my teeth which were clamped shut from the pain.

“Chiharu,” Sumire yelled running onto the court with Ryoma, Tezuka and Momoshiro. They helped my off of the court so they could have a look at my ankle.

“There’s defiantly a sprain – it’s bad enough that you need to go to the hospital –” Oishi said looking over ankle gently.

“No – I’ve almost won – I just have to win this match then we have first place.”

“Chiharu – second’s good enough.” Ryoma said putting is hand on my shoulder.

“Can someone please pass me my bag?” I asked as Oishi began to get some tensor bandages, “I won’t need those.” I looked through my bag for my ankle brace. I pulled out the white brace and slipped it onto my foot and laced it up tightly. I wouldn’t be able to wear my shoe with my brace on but I could still play. I stood up and made my way, with a limp, over to the court.

“Chi – are you insane – you could screw up your ankle for life if you keep playing!” Momoshiro yelled at me.

“As long as I go as far as I can – I don’t care how much punishment my body takes.” I smiled at them. I threw the ball up into the air.

“Fifteen all!”

I did the same again – Desiree returned the ball and we rallied it for a few moments before she scored.

“Thirty fifteen.”

She served and I hit it back. She rallied it back, I did the same. We were rallying for a while using different moves and techniques trying to score a point. My ankle was killing me! Yet – I refused to give up – call me head strong, whatever you want – but I am determined! She had scored and won the match – along with the next, making the score 2 – 0. I had to win the next two to tie the game. I won the third game finally. The fourth game was a little tricky but I had somehow won the game.

“Tie game! Tie breaker!” The ref yelled blowing his whistle. I bobbed my head as sweat rolled down my face.

“Chiharu – your ankle,” Momoshiro yelled in horror. I gasped as a large purple bruise was climbing up my leg slowly – it was just visible above the brace. I shook it off and prepared to serve. In a tie breaker you have to get to five first – no four out of five or three out of five – just five. For every point I got – Desiree got. We were still tied four to four. It was her turn to serve. I gasped at her serve – it was the Kick serve. I smirked as I dove – onto my bad ankle to get the ball. It soared high in the air, and just barely hit the outline. It was out.

“Winner Atarashi Desiree!” I stood with my hands on my knee to try and help my breathing. I limped toward the center net trying not to put any pressure on my ankle.

“Great job Desiree – look’s like I finally have someone who I have to work hard towards beating.” I smiled, panted, shaking her hand.

“Yeah – I’ve never had to work that hard ever in a match. Oh – sorry about your ankle Chiharu. Hopefully it gets better before the big honcho tournament!” Desiree said smiling back at me. I limped off of the court and over to my team.

“We need to get you to a hospital now.” Sumire said in a harsh tone, “Only problem is you need help getting there and we have no one of which we can spare.”

“I’m perfectly fine.” I said standing – but only having Ryoma push me back down onto the bench.

“The girls are done right?” He asked in his normal mysterious tone. I nodded, “Get on my back – that why you can rest your ankle until we can get you to the hospital.” I tried to decline – saying that I could walk but no matter what the conversation always turned toward the large almost black bruise creeping up my leg – which was mid–thigh right now.

“Is that OK for now Sumire – sensei?” Momoshiro asked.

“I guess it’s OK for now – as long as you don’t walk on it – it should be fine.” Sumire said packing the first aid kit up. Ryoma got down low for me to get on his back. I slid my arms around his neck and he adjusted me on his back, being careful as to not hurt my leg anymore. We walked back toward the court that the guy’s team was going to be on.
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Gosh.. I'm putting my all into this and yet I have no readers...
