Courting the Courted


The guy’s team were facing the same team that Desiree was from, St. Rudolph. Kaidoh and Momoshiro had won their match – barely. But the golden team – Oishi and Kikumura had gone into over time and had just lost 6 – 7. It was now time for the singles to start so Momoshiro took me onto his back with time. He was a lot taller than Ryoma so I could see much more while I was on him. Ryoma was going up against the left handed killer – Fuji Yuuta.

“You can do it Ryoma.” I whispered just as he lost the first match. He was being pushed hard by someone he wasn’t used to.

“Hey Chiharu – Do you know when Chi’s coming back to the team? I wanted to ask him out.” Tomo asked twirling her hair.

“Oh – Chi’s here.” I said half laughing, “And Chi would never go out with you unless Chi got a Sex change.”

“What do you mean?” She asked pouting.

“I’m Chi – Chiharu is Chi, Chi is Chiharu.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. I quickly turned my head back toward the game – Yuuta had just gotten a point. It was Ryoma’s turn to serve. He used his twist serve, and as Yuuta ran to hit the ball – which he hit it – Ryoma ran and knocked the ball back into Yuuta’s court and got a point.

“Hey – Chi, are you a lefty?” Ryoma asked from the court.

“Yeah – I am…”

“I’ve faced stronger lefties than you.” He said with a smirk toward Yuuta.

“Fifteen all!”

After that first point Ryoma started getting points quickly.

“One – One.”

Echizen began spiralling downward – losing game after game.

“Winner St. Rudolph, four to one!”

I raised myself up slightly on Momoshiro’s shoulders so I could hypothetically ‘be on the edge of my seat’. Echizen finally won his match.

“Momo – give me Chi, I’m taking her to the hospital.” Ryoma said between slightly laboured breaths. Momoshiro slide me onto Echizen’s back.

“You need to rest, you just finished a match.” I said trying to make him stop walking.

“I wouldn’t be doing this for you if you hadn’t pushed yourself past your limits on that ankle.” Ryoma yelled at me once we left the park and headed toward the hospital, “It’s your fault that you did what you did – but it’s also my fault for not being a proper team mate.”

“Is that why you were sloppy in those matches – to finish and get me to the hospital?”

He sighed, “Yeah.”

We walked into the hospital’s main doors and I was immediately taken to a doctor. Ryoma was forced by the hospitals rules to stay in the lobby. They put me in a wheel chair and wheeled my down to the x ray room to take some shots of my leg since the bruise was a deep black now. I had somehow bent a bone in my foot which needed to be bent back into place. I don’t even get how a bone could be bent! I also had a badly sprained foot so they gave me a plastic cast and a pair of crutches. I was able to leave a little over an hour after I had gotten their.

“Ryoma,” I whispered into his ear as I shook his sleeping form, “We have to go.”

He looked up slowly wiping the sleep from his eyes, “How’d it go?”

“I have a bent bone in my foot along with a sprain. I can’t practice properly for a while.” I said sighing as he stood up to leave.

“You aren’t going to practice at all – you’re going to heal that ankle before you even think of stepping foot on the court with a racket.” Ryoma said forcefully. I sighed as we walked into the park yet again.

“I’ll agree to it only if I can step onto the court with a racket in hand.”

“Fine – as long as you’re not playing I guess it’d be fine.”

Once we got to the courts Ryoma and the team left for the male ending ceremony and then the girls had ours. Only the top two female teams made it to the next level, Regionals. We all took the bus home after the ceremonies together. The stop that Ryoma and I shared was the first one. I had to sit near the front since I was partially disabled for the time being. I just looked out the window with glazed over eyes thinking ‘bout ways to practice with out Ryoma knowing. I got off the bus with a very tired Momo, Ryoma, and Kaidoh.