Coming Home to You; My American Boy


"Mommy!" Kimi exclaimed when I let myself into my mom's home.

"Hey sweetie!" I grinned, scooping her up in my arms and hugging her tightly.

"Are you staying for tea Cady love?" John , my mom's Husband of 4years, asked. He was the main reason behind how wonderful my mom was nowadays. He kept her grounded and treated me like a biological daughter and Kimi like a biological granddaughter. He was an exceptional man.

It was a pity Zach couldn't be even 1/8 as good as super John.

"I'm fine Dad, I'll take this little monster home," I replied. I'd never had a father figure in my life so once I'd got to know John it just felt right calling him Dad.

"You sure love?"He asked, eying me with suspicion.

Knowing my mom was out and not wanting to be here when she came in to hear the endless questions about Zach "Honestly, we're fine."

Once me and Kimi had given John a hug and a kiss goodbye we jumped into my mini and were on our way home.


"...And then she said 'no Zach I didn't'," I finished, downing the rest of my J.D. and coke.

Brian's eyebrows fell into a frown as he looked at me from across the room over the top of his beer can. "And how olds the kid?"

"She's 'just over 4',"

Brian's frown became deeper "But that means..."

"I know."

"Shit man."

"Yeh," I replied, the shock still running through my veins like electricity "I've never forgot her y'know," I whispered, breaking the silence that had been too lengthy for my liking.

"Who? Cady? None of us have mate," Brian replied softly. He reached into the cooler next to his chair and picked out 2 cans - throwing one to me.

The can landed on the cushion next to me as I was too preoccupied looking through my wallet.

"Dude, you don't need to pay me, we're not at a bar," Brian joked, I ignored him.

"Got it," I whispered pulling a folded piece of photo paper out of one of the pockets.

Intrigued as to what I'd got Brian made his way over.

"Dude," he whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder as I unfolded the picture. It was a Polaroid of me and Cady on the beach, the day I asked her to be my girlfriend.

"I posted a copy of this through her locker the day before graduation. I've never known if she got it," I mumbled, a lone tear falling from my eye and rolling down my pale cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Zacky.
I always pre-write my stories in a notebook before posting them...I've already finished this one...Im so excited haha

