Coming Home to You; My American Boy


We sat in, almost, silence - I only spoke to give Zach directions to my parents home.

"Are you ready then?" I asked in a whisper once Zach had stopped the car.

I heard him gulp as he turned to face me, his skin paler than usual. "Just a little nervous, I'm not usually good with kids."

I let a smile tug at my lips "I'm sure you'll be great Zach."

He nodded slowly as we both got out of the car.

"Mummy!" Kimi screeched as we wandered into the house. She skidded to a halt just before colliding with me "Where have you been? I was worried!"


I stood back and grinned as my daughter scolded her mom.

The she spotted me "Who's that mum?" She asked in her cute British accent.

"This is Zach. He's...uhm...mommy's friend," my hears sank as I was introduced to my own daughter as a 'friend'.

"Hi Zach," Kimi mumbled, hiding slightly behind Cady's legs.

"Hello Zachary! Long time no see honey!" Cady's mom exclaimed appearing from the kitchen "Come through to the living room guys."


Malory arrived home from school at 4pm.

"Hey Cady!" She grinned when she saw me "Finally decided to pick your phone up eh?"

I laughed, flicking her lightly with my fingers "Mal, Kimi's dad is here."

Her eyes widened, being a big Avenged fan and one of the only people who knew Kimi's actual parentage, I should have seen this coming. "Zacky Vengeance is here?? I'm going to get changed!"

I rolled my eyes as she turned on her heel and ran up to her room.

"How're you two?" I asked, wandering back into the living room.

My stomach dipped when I saw Kimi was sat on Zach's lap, a look of adoration on his face as she talked.

"I'm just telling Zach about my room," she grinned as a ringtone erupted from his pocket.

"Hold that thought sweetheart," Zach smiled, lifting her as he stood and placing her in the seat he'd been sat in.

"I like him mummy," Kimi grinned "And he gave me this while you were in the kitchen," she rummaged around in her dungarees pocket. After a few seconds she held up a small metallic purple triangle "It's a guitar pick," she announced proudly.

"That was Elliot," Zach said sheepishly as he re-entered the room "I have to go."

"Aaw!" Kimi shouted putting on her pouty face,

"I'll see you soon sweetie," he smiled, ruffling her hair as she hugged his legs.

"I'll see you out," I said getting to my feet and flicking Kimi's favourite cartoon channel on to keep her busy.

"Thank you for letting me see her," He smiled "She's so...amazing."

"I know," I smiled back "And she'll soon know who you really are Zach; I promise."

"It's okay Cade," he mumbled, his green orbs locked on my face "I'm just so happy I got to meet her."

"Bye Zach."

"Bye Cady." He waved awkwardly, like he didn't know what else to do, as he walked to the car.

One question running through my mind.

Who was Elliot?
♠ ♠ ♠

Go read my prom journal! :)

Sam xx