Coming Home to You; My American Boy



"I mean, she's a total bimbo Orch," I exclaimed down the phone as I lay on my bed.

It was 11pm, Britt's part had finished quite early due to jetlag, and me and Orchid were having our nightly gossip.

"And why are you arsed Cadence?" Orchid questioned - I could just see the smirk on her face "Do you still like him or-"

"NO!" I jumped in "But if she's 'engaged' to Zach she's gunna be a big part of Kimi's life isn't she?!"

"Whatever," Orchid laughed softly "Anyways, best be off chick, I'm absolutely fucked."

"Oki doki," I yawned "Same. Shall see you in the morning."

"Bye hun."


No sooner had I placed the phone on my bedside cabinet it began to buzz.

"Speak," I answered, not caring who it was.

"Um, hi?"

"What do you want Zach?"

"I, erm, doesn't matter now," He stuttered.

I rolled my eyes "You obviously called for something Zach."

"I just wanted a chat," he finally said in the cute voice that once had me weak at the knees.

I bit my bottom lip "Well?"

"I'm sorry," He said not knowing how to answer I lay in silence "I'm sorry for what happened in highschool. Brian only lent me the money for the first date - I wanted to treat you. I was so in love with you back then Cady. And," He sighed "I'm sorry about Elliot. She's a bitch and she was horrible to you and I didn't even want to be engaged to her."


We sat in silence for a few minutes, neither of us knowing what to say.

"I can't believe you're back in my life," Zach finally spoke "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," I whispered once I'd actually found my voice.

"Liar," Zach said in a light hearted but serious manner "Bet you were glad to see the back of me."

I sighed "I was at the time, but back then I didn't understand the situation; I was madly in love with you but so angry and hurt at the same time," I explained hearing his breathing catch with emotion "Every single day I''ve regretted Kimi not having her dad in her life."

"Every day?" Not his voice had dropped to a whisper.

"She's asked about you at least twice a day since she was able to talk."

"W...what did you say?"

I wiped my eyes unable to believe I was having this conversation - well any conversation - with Zachary Baker. "I told her the truth. That you were in work as a guitar player, that you were a hero to millions. She was so proud, she used to camp out in front of the music channels - watching because any one of those guitar players coud be her dad," I explained tears flowing freely down my face.

Zach sniffed "She'll soon know who I actually am though right?"

I smiled "Of course Zacky."

"So," he began, still sniffing and attempting to compose himself "What have you been up to Cady?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Being civil to each other.
Thats a start :)


Sam xx