Coming Home to You; My American Boy


"You're la-ate!" Camarin - a tall girl of my age said - a grin in place as she flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Please don't tell me you got lost," the only guy on our team - Adam - laughed.

"You'd think the boss, the person who co-owns the business, would remember where her shop was," Pixxie joined in from her work station across the room.

"Leave her alone guys," our receptionist and co-owner - Orchid - said. She was the first example of the English I had come in contact with. She's 5'0 with a shit load of tattoos and piercing. She's the crazy one who has helped me come out of my shell in the almost 5 years I've living in the U.K. "She's American, has only lived in the U.K. for almost five years. She could have got lost!" She added mockingly.

"Oh haha guys!" I laughed sarcastically "My alarm didn't go off."

"How cliche!" Adam called.

I ignored him "How many clients do I have today?" I asked Orchid.

As I haven't mentioned yet, I own the tattoo parlor 'Lightening Strikes'. World famous as my artists are the best in the business.

"Not a lot," Orchid replied, holding up the appointment book to prove it.

"Awesome!" I grinned "I'm gunna go pick Kimi up from my mom's. You all okay with her spending the day?"

A chant of 'awws' told me they didn't mind at all.

Kimi (meaning 'secret' in native American) was the light of my life. She was only 4 years old but she amazed me everyday. No matter what she did.

As I climbed back into my car the usual wave of eagerness hit me - the feeling I always got on the way to pick my daughter up after she had spent the night at my mom's (who had emigrated with me).

Once I'd turned the key in the ignition I glared down to my radio. As thought I was daring it to play the song it had before.

The only thing I regretted in my little girls life was that she hadn't known her daddy.
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Don't hold me to the fact that Kimi means secret...I found it on google xD

