Coming Home to You; My American Boy


"CADENCE!" Orchid shouted banging loudly on my office door, waking me up from where I'd fallen asleep at my desk.

"Huh?" I replies leaning over and unlocking the door.

"What the fuck have you been doing?!" Orchid asked bursting in. Noting my sleepy expression she rolled her eyes. "Zach's on lime one for you."

"Thanks," I smiled as she left then picked my phone up "Hi."

"Hey," he replied. Awkward.

"Did ya want me?"

"I realized that I haven't asked how Debbie and Monique are nowadays."

I laughed "Very random. Well Debs is a journalist and Monique emigrated soon after me and changed her name to Pixxie," I smiled.

"No way!" Zach exclaimed, clearly shocked "Is that why Pixxie stays out of our way when we're in the shop?"

"Yeh," I replied "She literally ignores anything what so ever about her past."

"Crazy," Zach said sighing "Well...uhm...actually...I er...rang to say something."

My heart flew up into my throat "Well spit it out Baker!" I tried to make it a joke.

"Goodbye," he replied almost in a whisper.

My heart moved again, this time it dropped right down to my stomach "W-what?"

"We - me and the band - have to go back to the U.S.A for Christmas and New Year."

"When do you leave?"


The disappointment of them leaving was replaced by anger "So this is it? You crash into my and my daughters life then leave when you want! Do you think a responsible parent does that Zach? You're not even going to say goodbye to her are you??"

"I-I cant face it."

"Whatever. Have a nice Christmas with that bitch you're engaged to. Me and your daughter will do just fine."

And with that I hung up.

And burst into tears.
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