Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Twenty Two

Ordering in supplies for the shop was beyond boring.

I checked my e-mails to get a few minutes break from the endless stock counting and list making.

There was one from the people at MTV requesting a time to meet next month.

"Where do you think you're fucking going missus?" Orchid's scouse accent screeched. "Sorry Cade, she just barged in."

I looked up to see Elliot glaring at me from my office door.

"It's okay Orch," I said "I'll talk to her."

Looking very reluctant Orchid nodded and retreated back to reception.

"What can I do for you?" I asked offering Elliot a seat (which she didn't take) as I shut the door.

"I want you to stay away from my man!" She said crossing her arms across her chest. "I want you and your bastard child to get out of our lives."

Unable to control myself I slapped her across the face. "My Kimi is worth 1000 of you," I said through gritted teeth "Now fuck off. I wouldn't go near him with a barge pole."


"Hello?" I cringed, its just my luck that Elliot would answer.

"I need to talk to Zach," I mumbled, nervously twirling my hair around my finger.

She laughed "I think the only way you're going to be speaking to him is through solicitors."


That laugh again "We're filing for custody of Kimi," My heart fell into my stomach and my mouth went dry "And we're going to fight as dirty as possible."

"" tears ran down my face.

"Goodbye Cadence."