Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Twenty Three

"Hey Orch," I mumbled into the phone the next morning "I can't come into work this morning - let everyone know for me please?" There was no way I was leaving Kimi today.

"Oh...kay," Orchid replied slowly and suspiciously. "What's going on?"

"Family trouble," I answered quickly, which was technically true. "I'll tell you about it soon."

"Okay. I hope everything and everyone is alright, see you soon hon."

"Thanks Orch. Bye."

As Kimi was watching her cartoons (with strict instruction to not open the door to anyone I switched the laptop on and sat next to her.

As soon as everything was up and running a chat window opened up from Val.

ScreaminDemonGirl: Hey hon! Howa you? Elliot's back in the fold *eye roll* its like a fuckin war zone here now.

Cady: Don't I know it.

ScreaminDemonGirl: Huh?

I sighed deciding to tell her. She was there with Zach and I knew she'd be on my side. Either she could stop this or punch Elliot in the face for me.

Cady: They're threatening to take Kimi away from me. Zach must have told her the truth.

ScreaminDemonGirl: WHAAAAAAAT? I'll talk to him. I'll fuckin kill her. Syn said this morning, one more thing and he's prepared to hit a girl.

Cady: I'm scared Val.

ScreaminDemonGirl: Aaw honey. Zach's a good guy, it's her - he probably doesn't even know himself about all this. he told me he likes the arrangement you've got going - he just can't wait to hear Kimi call him dad.

Cady: Thanks Vally. You're a great friend.

ScreaminDemonGirl: I'll go talk to him. Give ya a ring in a bit.

*ScreaminDemonGirl has signed off*


"You better have a stone solid explanation for this one Baker!" Val shouted as she banged on the door of the apartment.

Wondering what I'd done now to have my peace interrupted (Elliot was out) I opened the door.

She stormed past me "Where is she?"

"Elliot's out shopping, why, what have we done now?"

Val glared at me "I don't know Baker. How about telling the mother of your child you're going to take her daughter away from her?!"

I frowned "I didn't say that! I wouldn't do that to Cadence. I-" Realization hit me "Elliot," I whispered "This is the last straw."

Val's expression changed from angry to hopeful "You're going to break up with her?"

"I'm gunna kick her sorry ass right back to America."



"What're you going here?" I asked, my heart beating almost painfully fast. I had opened the door to Zach Baker stood on my doorstep.

"Where's Kimi?" He asked inviting himself in.

"I won't let you take her!" I shouted running and standing in front of the living room door.

"Cady," he said, his hands on my shoulders. "Elliot's gone."

My eyes widened "G-gone?"

He nodded "On a plane back to America as we speak. I heard what she'd said to you and it was the final straw," silent tears ran down my face as he pulled me into a hug. "I'd never attempt to take Kimi away from you."

As his lips brushed against my cheek and closer to my own I pulled away "Lets just take this one step at a time."

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's time Kimi knew the truth.
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Hii Blackqueen :)
WhiteDelilahMurder - you're free to do whatever you like with Elliot haha


Sam x