Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Twenty Five

After the shopping spree Brian joined us in Val and Matt's apartment eating food Leana prepared for us.

"I'd better get back anyway," I said standing up "That was lovely Lea."

"I'll drive you," Brian said, retrieving his keys from the jacket hung up by the door.

"You sure?" I asked as I hugged everyone goodbye.

He shrugged "I can't have you walking."

We were halfway to the car when Brian next spoke. "I'm sorry I've been a dick."

"Don't sweat Brian," I replied shrugging "I know what me and Zach falling out did to him. You're just I dunno, sticking up for your friend."

"It was horrible seeing him like that," he agreed, leaning against his rental car "But there's another thing," he added "Since seeing you again. I-I've had these feelings..."

"Brian," I whispered as his right hand cupped my left cheek, his thumb gently stroking my cheekbone.

"I've had these feelings since High School," he said, like it explained everything.

"Brian - I - Zach's my child's father..."

"I know," he whispered "I know I could never compete with him. You and him belong together. I just thought you should know why I've acted like this," he bowed his head and let his hand fall to his side. "I hope we can still be fri-"

Cutting off his sentence I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. His eyes closed and his arms clamped tightly around my waist as I allowed his tongue to enter my mouth.

"We'll always be friends Brian," I said once we'd pulled away. "Now, drive me home!"

He grinned.