Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Twenty Seven


"And where were you last night?"

I slowly awoke to the sound of my daughter's voice. As my eyes forced themselves to open I saw her standing, arms crossed.

I glanced to Zach who was attempting an innocent look, his hands in the air.

I slowly stood, my back aching from where me and Zach has fallen asleep on the couch.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized.

"Not good enough!" Kimi grinned in a sing song voice.

Zach rolled his eyes "Go and get the film then."

"YAY!" She exclaimed running upstairs to her room.

"So, what's this film like?" he asked me, looking slightly worried.

I laughed "I guarantee you hate it."


He didn't hate it.

Well, he acted like he didn't hate it.

Once they'd watched it the first time they repeated it; this time with the subtitles on so they could both sing along.

"If only the guys could see you now," I laughed, handing them a plate of pancakes each.

Zach winked at me, grinning as him and Kimi sang at the top of their voices.

Once the song was over he joined me in the kitchen.

"Listen, Cady, do-" He stopped, biting on one on of his liprings in thought "Do you think your mum would babysit Kimi for us tonight?"

"Sure," I shrugged "Why?"

"Well," He smirked "There's this girl I really wanna take out."

Realizing the game I smiled "Really? This girl - what's she like?"

"Beautiful. When she smiles I smile. When I'm with her all I wanna do is gather her up in my arms along with my little girl and hold onto them forever."

I smiled, blushing slightly "She really that good?"

He nodded "She's perfect in every way possible," he said, not taking his eyes off me "So what - do you think this girl would come out with me tonight?"

"I think she'd be crazy not to."
♠ ♠ ♠
I only made her kiss Brian cause it threw her an Zach together. It made them realise and admit how much they still like each other.

if that makes sense lol

Comments? :)

Sam x