Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Twenty Eight


"Are you ready Cade?" I called up the stairs as I arrived home from dropping Kimi off at Cady's Mom's.

"Uh huh," She replied, appearing at the top of the stairs, her concentration on trying to zip up her bag.

Wow I mouthed. She was wearing a simple black dress which came to just above her knee complemented by a grey waist belt, a short grey pair of boots and a diamond star necklace.

"Do I look okay?" She asked giving me a twirl.

"I-you-you look perfect," I smiled as she slung a leather jacket on.

She smiled "So, where are you taking me?"

"Well I was thinking to the cinema to see the shitest film they can offer then on to - as you British say - they 'chippy'," I said, smiling slightly.

A soft smile came to her lips "Like on our first ever date?"

I nodded "The best day of my life."



"Thank you for tonight," I said, turning to face Zach. We were lay on the small patch of grass in my tiny backyard; eating chips and staring up at the stars.

He reached over and squeesed my arm "No problem." His hand slid down my arm and he laced his fingers with mine.

"When do you have to go home?" I whispered, a question which had been on my lips for some time.

"I'm not sure," he whispered "But when I do, will you and Kimi come with me?"

I bit my bottom lips "You know I can't. I've got the shop, MTV, my family-"

"Let's just live in this moment," he interrupted "Enjoy it while we still can."

"Okay," I replied, pushing all my worries to the back of my mind as I snuggled closer to him.

With his free had he tilted my chin up so I was facing him. We stared at each other for what felt like an age.

Then he finally placed his lips softly on mine.

Not wanting it to end I leant more and more into the kiss until out tongues were soon battling for space in our mouths.

He grabbed my hips and pulled on top of him, not breaking our kiss.

As his hands travelled up my dress I pulled away.

"Too far?" He asked, an apoliogetic look on his face.

I shook my head "I just don't fancy being undressed out here in the cold..."

His eyes widened slightly "To the bedroom?" He asked, biting one of his liprings nervously.

I nodded.

Re-connecting the kiss he stood up, lifting me into his arms once he was on his feet.

I nibbled slightly on his neck and ear as he walked up the stairs. Smiling slightly upon hearing and feeling his breathing deepen.

As he dropped me on my bed I grabbed his shirt, pulling him with me. Our lips crashed together once more.

Pulling apart I watched as he pulled his tshirt over his head, flinging it to the floor.

Seconds later his lips were against mine once more. Starting at my ankles he ran his rough hands up my smooth skin, taking my dress off as he did so.

"You're so beautiful," he murmered as his eyes scanned my body.

I sat up, tracing kisses along his collarbone as I undid his belt, sliding his pants off, taking his boxers with them.

"You too Mr Baker," I said, eyebrows twitching. He was gorgeous.

Quickly flicking my bra clasp open he flung it across the room. His lips attacking my nipples and his fingers caressing me through my underwear.

I moaned "Zacky," My head tipped back as waves of pleasure ran through my body "I want you so much right now."

He ripped my underwear down and plunged two fingers deep inside me. I moaned loudly and he grinned against my neck.

"I want you so so much right now!" I moaned.

"Well," He said, his voice sexy and huskey "You've got me sexy." With that, he finally thrust deep inside me.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was awful
and rubishh


Sam x