Coming Home to You; My American Boy


"Mommy?" Kimi's little voice called from the passenger seat.

"Yes baby?" I asked, glancing quickly in her direction so she knew I was listening.

"Can I see daddy today?" She asked the same question at least twice a day.

And every time it broke my heart.

"Daddy's still at work honey," I replied, tears threatening to fall as I remembered (as I did every time she asked) he didn't even know she existed.

"Oh," she whispered, falling silent. But I knew it wouldn't last - she may only be just over 4 but boy can she talk. "What's daddy's job again?"

"He plays guitar baby," I answered "He's a hero to a lot of people."

I've lost count of the amount of times a proud smile appeared on her little face - practically shredding my heart as I knew what was coming next.

"Does daddy love me?" There it is. The question that finishes me off.

I shut the engine off as we were outside 'Lightening Strikes' "Of course he does Kimi. He loves you more than anyone in the world."

"Even you?"

I sighed shakily "Even me."


Orchid glanced up as soon as Kimi and I walked into the shop. Seeing my tear filled eyes she rushed over, kneeling down in front of Kimi.

"Hey darlin!" she exclaimed holding both Kimi's hands "Why don't you go talk to Aunty Camarin? She's got lots of cool sketches to show you."

Kimi grinned and nodded, walking over to Camarin's outstretched arms. She loved looking at all the art the guys did, especially Cam - who's specialty was horses.

As soon as she was preoccupied Orchid grabbed my hand and dragged me into the back office we shared.

She sat me down on the big comfy chair and placed herself on the desk.

"Okay babe...spill."

I sniffed, keeping my tears at bay "Kimi asked about her dad again."

A sympathetic look immediately came to Orchid's beautiful features. "Oh Cady," she whispered leaning down to pull me into a hug "Listen," she started once we had pulled away "I don't even know who the dude is - but I'm sure he'd want to know."

"I don't know how to contact him," I answered, my voice wobbly.

Orchid raised an eyebrow, jumping off the desk she got the companies' yellow pages and placed it on my knee.

I shook my head. "Not that easy Orch."

She frowned "Why?"

I sighed, knowing she'd have to learn the truth sooner or later "He's Zacky Vengeance."
♠ ♠ ♠
The a7x guys come into the next one


Sam x