Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Twenty Nine

My eye lids forced themselves open as I heard my phone vibrating.

"Hello?" I croaked into the phone.


"Orchid? Is that you?" I asked in answer to the squeal.

"You totally did someone last night!" She exclaimed. "I'm at your door - come answer it!"

And with that she hung up.

I sighed and turned over. Zach's eyes were still tightly shut, soft snores coming from his nose.

I smiled and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

Jumping out of bed I pulled on some clean underwear and bra followed by a pair of skinny jeans and Zach's 'Vengeance University' hoodie he's been wearing last night.

As I ran down the stairs I pulled the hood up over my messy hair.

I opened to front door to see four faces staring at me.

"So, when you said you were here what you really mean was you, Pix, Cam and Adam were here," I smirked as the four invited themselves in.

"We were worried about you!" Pixxie stated.

Their concerned expressions soon changed when a bang and a shout of 'fuck' filled the house.

"He's still here?!"Orchid questioned.

"Who?" Cammy added.

"Can we meet him?" Adam continued.

I rolled my eyes "Go in the living room," I said, pushing them in the direction "I'll be back in a minute."

A faint call of 'Bring him!!' followed me up the stairs.

"Hey you,! I smiled softly as I came to the bedroom door to see him sat on the end of my bed in just his boxers.

He looked up and returned the smile "Where did you go?" He pouted.

" friends from Lightening Strikes are here," I said biting my bottom lip "They want to meet you."

He nodded "Just let me get a quick shower and get dressed."

"You don't mind?"

He stood and put his arms round my waist, pulling me towards him and kissing me sweetly.

"They're your friends," He shrugged "Why wouldn't I want to meet them properly?"