Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Thirty One

"It's okay!" I exclaimed "His engagements off; we're not doing anything wrong!"

"Have you forgotten all that shit he put you through?!" Orchid said in a hushed tone.

"He didn't mean for that to happen. Especially High School -" I caught Pixxie's eye "- I love him. The feelings have never gone away. I haven't so much as dated another guy since me and Zach split."

"What about Adam? You know how he felt about you when we all first started the shop..." Pixxie said, the hushed tone of Monique showing in her voice.

"I never got with Adam because I knew as soon as Zach came into my life I'd break his heart," I whispered "Zach's my soulmate. He's slept here the past three nights because we told Kimi he was her dad and he didn't want to leave."

Camarin shrugged "I don't know about these two, but, if you're happy, I'm happy." Orchid and Pixxie both nodded.

"But, if he does anything to hurt you or Kimi - I'll kick his ass straight back to the U.S.A.!" Orchid said.

I knew she meant it.


As we ate our toast both me and Adam heard the girls talking in hushed voices. Although we couldn't hear words I knew the subject was me.

"I don't think the 3 girls were entirely happy to see me," I stated, biting into my toast.

Adam shrugged "They're just looking out for Cady and Kimi." He eyed me in suspicion.

I held my hands up "I promise I'm not here to break their hearts. I love them both very very much."

He nodded "That better be true. Cause if either of them is hurt I'll kick your ass all the way back to America."

Looking up at the stern expression on his face I nodded quietly.

I knew he meant it.
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Sam x