Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Thirty Three


"VAL!" Kimi ran up to the now dark haired Val who sweeped her up into her arms "I missed you."

"Aw, I missed you too sweetheart," Val said, waving at me and Zach "Now, let's go and look at all these goodies we've layed out for you."

"Well, if it isn't Cadence Geller," A familiar deep, raspy voice stated from behind me.

"Matt!" I exclaimed going for a hug only to be lifted over his shoulder.

"Hey!" He called across the room to where a group of 3 guys and 3 girls were playing on the wii "Brian, Jimmy, Johnny! Look who I found!" He said, finally setting me down.

"Cady!" The three guys shouted running over to me and jumping on me.

"We haven't seen you for AGES!" Johnny exclaimed when they finally got off me.

"Zacky was so boring without you!" Jimmy said pulling me into a death grip of a hug adding "Sorry man, but it's true." To Zach's 'hey!'

I looked over to Brian who gave me his best cheesy grin.


By 11pm Kimi was asleep in Matt and Val's spare room. All of the guys adored her, she fit right in with their mental ages.

We were all sat on the couches, which had been pushed so they were in a square.

What started off as a chat had ended up as 'question Cady' time - forcing me to repeat everything that had happened these last few years.

Plus, they had all already guessed me and Zach were sort of a couple again.

"Zach's got something to ask you!!" Leana randomly half shouted, her usual grin seeming even wider.

Zach glared at her "Well, I was going to do this when I was alone with you," he said, turning to face me "But the guys wanted to be there as well," I heard the others hold their breath "We've got to go back to America tomorrow and I...we wanted to know if you and Kimi would come to."
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haha Im glad you have no comeback cause you are ace :)

Sam x