Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Thirty Six

"We're going to Americaaa!" Kimi sung from the backseat of Zach's rental car as we drive to the airport the next day.

We had stopped off at Mom's on the way.


"You're going where?"

I bit my bottom lip. "Back to Huntington with Zach and the guys."

She looked shocked.

"Awesome!" Mal grinned "Can I come???"

"But - what about Kimi's schooling?" Mom asked, deciding to ignore her step daughter's question.

"It's only a holiday," I smiled "We'll be back!"

"Make sure you send a postcard," Britt smiled, giving me a hug.

"And presents!" Malory added, also hugging me.

"Be careful and make sure you keep in touch," Dad said, hugging me then Kimi.

Mom did the same "Gonna miss you!"

"We'll miss you too."


Then, once all the hugging in one building was done, we moved onto Lightning Strikes.


"I expect 3 emails a day!" Camarin exclaimed once we pulled out of our group hug.

"Me too!"Pixxie and Adam called.

"I expect four!" Orchid said, she was still hugging me "And you-" she finally pulled away, gesturing to Zach who was stood over at the door "You better look after our girls!!"

He grinned and put his hands in the air. An innocent look on his face "I promise Orchid."

She grinned back. Rushing over she pulled him into a hug.


"Are you excited to see Huntington again?" Zach asked as we sat on some of the airport chairs. Ready to play the waiting game.

I nodded "I'm gunna miss everyone here. My car-" I had given Orchid the keys to my mini forcing her to promise to look after it "-And my place-" The keys to my house had gone to Adam. Seen as he was having trouble with his landlord I'd asked him to house sit "But yeh," I smiled "It'll be good to see the old place again."
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Double the updates = double the comments?


Sam x