Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Forty One

"Come on guys!" Leana exclaimed as Zach and Brian stood in front of the T.V. their arms crossed over their chests.

"I can't believe you told!" Brian complained pointing over to me and Kimi.

Once I had let the secret out on the beach the previous day the girls had called Kimi over to explain fully.

"But they asked!" Kimi giggled shrugging.

"That's it!" Brian said, bending over and creeping towards Kimi.

"Nooo Uncle Gates!" She screeched, jumping off my knee and running outside.

"Let's get her and throw her in the pool!" Zach shouted, we were all dressed to go in the pool already.

"Nooooo!" I heard Kimi call as Jimmy jumped to his feet and raced after them.

I wandered over to the french doors to watch as Zach gathered Kimi up in his arms and jumped into the pool.

"Where are Johnny and Matt?" Val asked once I sat back down and Icky jumped on my knee.

"They have been ages," Michelle nodded, looking out of the front window just in time to see the two guys walking up the drive.

"Sorry we took years," Matt announced as he burst in through the door "But this jackass," he pointed with his thumb to Johnny over his shoulder "Kept dropping everything!"

JC laughed "There was alcohol ALL over the floor!"

"So, instead of buying 6 40s we ended up paying for 8," Matt explained setting the bag full of Doritos, chocolate and 40s he was carrying on the floor.

"Johnny!" Lacey laughed, kissing him on the cheek when he put on his hurt face.

"Right then," Matt said going over and picking Val up, putting her over he shoudler "Pool time!"

"Matt!" Val shouted "Put me down!"

"Too late!" Matt laughed "C'mon you lot, or I'll have to force you like I am with Val!"


"We're having a BBQ in two days," Zach smiled swimming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Really?" I asked "And when did you decide that?"

"Me, Kimi and Brian planned it before," he grinned, kissing me on the shoulder. "I have a surprise for you."
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Go check out my new Syn Gates story - Amnesia :)

And leave me a comment here and there :)

Sam x