Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Forty Two

"Where are you going?" I asked sleepily the next morning as I felt Zach get out of bed. I glanced at the clock; 7:30am.

"Just...somewhere," He smirked, getting dressed "Just promise me you and Kimi will be up and dressed in about an hour and a half."

I frowned "What's this about?"

"Just do it," he smiled before leaning over and kissing me.


I yawned and stretched as I crossed the landing to go down the stairs.

"Make sure you clean your teeth Kimi Bear!" I called as I was 5 steps down. Taking Zach's advice I had got out of bed as soon as he'd left I'd taken a quick 10 minute shower and got dressed before waking Kimi up.

Now, at 8:45am, she was finally had only taken her an hour...

I wandered through the living room, on my way to the kitchen to get my usual morning coffee.

"Hey mom, dad," I said to the man and woman sat on the couch as I walked into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on.

Then, realization hit me and I raced back into the living room, pointing at them.

"How did you get here??!!"

My mom laughed "Zach," She asked, nodding over to where Zach was dozing on the chair opposite "He's been sorting this out since you and Kimi decided to come to America with him. He's sat up till late at night just to organize this trip for us all."

I frowned "You all?"

She nodded "Malory and Britt are staying with Matt and Val next door, Pixxie and Camarin are with Brian and Michelle and Orchid and Adam are with Johnny and Lacey."

I smiled, realizing no one was with Jimmy and Leana...probably the best with the Sullivan/Silver craziness.

"Nanna! Granddad!" Kimi exclaimed rushing over to Mom and John once she was finally downstairs.

I wandered over to Zach and placed a kiss on his lips. His eyes flickered open and he grinned.

"Thank you," I said smiling.

"That's what I'm here for," he replied, softly tracing a line, with his finger down my face "I'd do anything in my power to make you happy."


I picked my phone up once I'd made mom and John some hot drinks to discover I had 4 new messages.

Oh My God! I'm staying at M SHADOWS' house! I love you so much for this!! Mal xxxxxx


JOHNNY CHRIST CADE! I'm freaking out!! Orch xo

You know Orchid better than the fuck do you calm her down???? Ad xo

I giggled at my friends' craziness, texting them all back, telling them how insane they were.

Well, apart from Adam, I advised him to get a hot chocolate (which makes her sleepy) and to keep her away from anything she could steal and sell on eBay.

"What're you giggling about?" Zach smirked, his arms snaking round my waist ad kissing me on the forehead.

"My friends," I rolled my eyes "They're all freaking out cause they're staying at various members of 'Avenged Sevenfold's' houses."

He smiled "Aren't they used to us by now?"

"They're used to you cause they've seen you loads and to them you're their friends boyfriend and her daughter's father. But the others are M Shadows, Synyster Gates, Johnny Christ and The Rev," he laughed at the way I'd said their stage names "I just don't get it! To me you're Zach, Matt, Brian, Johnny and Jimmy - 5 dorks who will do anything to protect me and who I love to bits."

He smiled "You're gunna have a hard time talking to the fans then."

"I know!!" I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air very dramatically "I won't know who the fuck they're on about!!"
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Check my new story Amnesia out, leave a comment and it'll be much appreciated :)
Cause having no comments on it is getting me down :(
