Coming Home to You; My American Boy

Forty Four

[[in italics is flashbacks which you've probably already read. In bold italics are flashbacks which haven't been included in the story before]]


I stopped breathing.

Zach Baker was asking me to marry him...

...and I didn't know what to say.

The five boys who ruled these very hallways.

Zach Baker and his friends.

Me, Monique and Debbie watched, crushed against our lockers, as they past by. My eyes mesmerized by Zach, the best looking guy in school.

He was tossing a baseball between his two hands, a smile plastered across his gorgeous pale features as he listened as he listened intently to what his best friend – Brian Haner Jnr – was telling him.

A ‘Jack Daniels’ t-shirt stretched across his chest, black jeans adorned his lower half and a pair of black and white converse All Stars finished off the look.

“Happy New Year Zach,” I smiled, they continued – the crowds soon dying down as the bell rang.

They hadn’t heard me. No one had.

I hadn’t dared to say it out loud.

Back in those days I would have been happy if he'd've even known my name. I never thought we'd be in this wonderful situation.

What Zach had said was true; our ups were amazing.

As the four of us began walking I desperately wished I was wearing my skinnies – I needed a pocket to put my hands in.

But, to my surprise, Zach reached out as soon as we took the first step and held my hand in his.


He grinned, extending his hand out for me to shake "Deal. Now; truth or dare?"


He propped himself up on his elbow, leaning over me so his ear was pressed to the palm of his hand. "I dare you to be my girlfriend."

I stared at him, my heart pounding, waiting for any sign telling me this was a joke.

He twitched his eyebrows slightly, as though urging me to answer.

The corners of my mouth tugged into a smile as I whispered "Okay."

It wasn't the best of acceptances but I didn't care. As soon as I'd spoken he pressed his lips against mine in our first proper kiss.


"And this is the bit where..."

"Kimi!" I giggled "Stop wrecking the film for your dad!"

She shrugged throwing me a cheeky grin. The three of us were laying on mine and Zach's 4 poster bed, watching the 2nd High School Musical.

"This house is gorgeous," I said...only to be shushed by Kimi.

'You're gorgeous' Zach mouthed to me, leaning over and kissing my lips.

"GROOOOSS!"Kimi shouted.

"Right! Thats it! The tickle monster is coming to get you!" Zach laughed, chasing a screaming Kimi around the bed.

But our downs were awful...

"Cadence honey, what's the matter?" My mom called through my bedroom door "You're always crying nowadays...I'm worried sick."

I pushed my face deeper into my pillow. Today had been my last day at school. My last day of seeing Zach. Sobs shook my whole body as I remembered I still hadn't managed to tell him my secret.

"Britt said you and Zach broke up," My mom said, I cried harder "What happened sweetie?"

I stood and wandered over to the door. Once I swung it open I let my mom gather me up in her arms.

"Mom, I'm pregnant."

My life hadn't been the same without Zach.

Then I realized what he had said was true.

We should never be parted again.

I finally breathed, a grin coming to my face.

"I'd love to."
♠ ♠ ♠
I love my new reader When_September_Ends
So this ones for you :)

Sam x