Coming Home to You; My American Boy



I stood on my mother's doorstep, itching for a cigarette but - gladly - not late for work, the next day.

My mom had also relocated to England with Britt around a year after I had. She'd remarried a lovely guy who had a 11 year old girl from a previous relationship.

Malory, now 15, was an awesome kid who had bonded with Kimi amazingly.

"Hey hon," Mom smiled once she had opened the door "And hey little lady!"

"Hey Nanna!" Kimi giggled rushing into the house, obviously in search of Malory.

"You have a good day yea?" Mom smiled hugging me.

"I will," I smiled back "Tell her I said to be good."

"She always is."


A cloud of smoke followed me as I got out of my car and made my way to the shop.

"Hey babe," Orchid called from behind her reception desk. She had her feet up, a magazine lay in her lap, as she leant back in her big chair. "The MTV people are in your office."

A grin quickly came to my face as I said hi back. I stubbed my cigarette in the ashtray on orchid's desk before bounding over to my office.

As my guys were officially the best in the business MTV had got in touch with me. More and more celebrities came into the shop and they wanted me to follow in the footsteps of the American great; Kat Von D, and have my own show - U.K. Ink.

"Hi," I smiled as a blonde woman and a dark haired guy met my gaze once I entered my office.

"Hi Miss. Geller, I'm Amy Thornton."

"And I'm James Simpson," they introduced themselves. He smiled "We love your place."


"I'll see you soon," I said an hour later as Amy and James were leaving.

"Very soon," James winked before walking out of the front door.

Orchid grinned "He was cuuute!"

"He's also giving us a tv show!" I squealed. Orchid, Camarin and Adam jumped on me - shouts of 'Oh My God!', 'No Way' and 'I'm calling Pixxie!' echoing throughout the store.

"Erm, hi?"

In all our celebrating we hadn't noticed Camarin and Adam's morning clients walk through the door.

We all quickly let each other go, attempting to look professional.

"Hey!" Orchid grinned, as she was co-owner of the shop she could, basically, choose what her job entailed. As she was great with people and organization her decision was meeting the clients as they walked through the door and dealing with all the behind the scenes things. "I'm Orchid. Who are you booked in with?"

my world felt like it had stopped as I stopped giggling with Camarin and looked up.

Zacky Vengeance was in my shop.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this before London Ink came out xD
I was well gutted when they started to show it haha


Sam x