Coming Home to You; My American Boy



Not knowing what to do I shut myself in the office.

"Cady?" Adam said, knocking quietly on the door.

"I'm busy! Haven't you got a client?" I called, ruffling some papers and typing a few random keys at my computer for effect.

"No you're not," Adam answered "Listen, I've gotta do some inking so I'm gunna get Orchid."

I rolled my eyes as I sat on the chair behind my desk, focusing on the picture of Kimi that sat next to my computer monitor.

"Cadence Marie Geller?" Upon hearing Orchid's scouse accent I leant my head on my desk.


I heard her couch uncomfortably - one of her few nervous habits "Your, er, mum's here with Kimz."

I jumped to my feet, the chair rocketing back and smacking loudly against the wall "I'm coming!" I hurried over to the door, knowing that my mom would recognize Zach as soon as she saw him.

Slipping a pair of big dark sunglasses over my eyes I slowly opened the door.

Orchid sent me a wink as I smiled briefly at her.

"Mum guess what!" Kimi exclaimed as soon as she saw me. Oblivious to the tattooing going on around her, she raced over and launched herself into my arms "Nanna's gonna take me shopping!" She grinned without waiting for my guess.

"Wow!" I smiled, balancing her on my right hip.

"Cadence?" Mom whispered, leaning towards my ear "Isn't that...?"

"No," I cut her off quickly.

"Who?!" Kimi exclaimed, scrambling round so she could look over my shoulder to Adam and Camarin's stations "Who is it?" She attempting to whisper in my ear.

"No one baby," I replied, kissing her on the cheek "They're no one."
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Argh its so confusing.
The Americans in the stories [cady,her mum,britt etc] will all say 'mom'
and the British in the story [the guys at lightening strikes,kimi etc] will all say 'mum'
