Coming Home to You; My American Boy


"Orch - here's your cigs and chocolate. Adam your diet coke and your, uhm, green hubba bubba? And Cammy - your skittles and Dr Pepper," I said as I handed out the stuff I'd got from the shop.

"Hey! Don't diss hubba bubba!" Adam laughed, ripping the packaging.

"The two guys from before left their numbers for you," Camarin said, her eyebrows raised. "Either you're so hot they'd leave their numbers for you in front of their girlfriends or..."

"...You're keeping something from us," Adam finished his sentence as I flopped down on the chair by my own station. "Like how the fuck do you know Zacky Vengeance and Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold?!" He added.

Orchid's little cough was back.

"I, er," I bit my bottom lip, messing with the zip of my jacket "I used to know them in High school."


"So," Orchid started as I locked the door to Lightning Strikes and pushed the button for the shutters to close. "You have a contact number for him now," She added referring to the piece of paper with Zach and Brian's numbers scrawled on it that lay crumpled up in my pocket.

"And?" I sighed, leaning against the building, my arms crossed.

She looked at me with a shocked expression "What, you're not gunna tell him?"

I shrugged "We've worked fine without him for this long," Pushing myself off the wall I made my way to my car.

She followed me "So you're gunna deny Kimi the right to meet the father she's been asking about since she could talk?"

"No!" I snapped, opening my car door "I'm denying him the right of seeing an amazing girl he doesn't deserve to be related to," I added sitting in the drivers seat.

Her face softened from angry to sympathetic "What did he do that was so bad?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I replied slamming my door shut.

Blinking back tears I turned the engine on and made my way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for lack of updates yesterday :(
my brother had 3 teeth out yesterday and him and my dad were here watching The Ashes [very distracting seeing as we're a cricketing family]

