Status: I hope to update soon, currently working on a sequal even though I havent planned the end of this!

You Never Cared for 16 Years, Why Get to Know Me Now?

Just Another Birthday

I was finally 16! It was anything but sweet, I thought when you turned 16 everything was supposed to be fantastic! Well in my life nothing ever turns out like that. why is that? I hear you ask, well lets just say I don’t know my family. I know I have brothers and that they may be famous, but that’s it. You see I’m an orphan and no one will let me forget that, I always have been an orphan probably always will be.
When I was little I used to think that on my birthday my brothers would run in and take me away from here. It never happened and I didn’t expect this year to be any different. My name's Izzy by the way, I don’t know my last name and I don’t really care. I don’t care about a lot of things. Right now I had my new My Chemical Romance cd on loud; I'd been given it today by the kids that live here with me. I was sat on my bed writing a new story; it's about a girl that finds her family after 16 years of not knowing them. She finds out her brothers are famous and they take her on tour. It will have a happy ending probably, sadly it’s just a story and life doesn’t do the things you want it to. I learnt that 10 years ago today. That was the year I gave up on my "family".
Candy walked into my room as always without knocking. I turned down the volume of my music so she could speak and get out.
"Sally wants to see you downstairs. She says it’s important. Happy birthday, i guess emo bitch" with that she turned and left. She maybe like family but I hate her! She calls me an emo; I call her a preppy wannabe. That’s how our days pass, by throwing insults at each other. JOY!
I walked downstairs to Sally's office and knocked on the door.
"What ever happened this time had nothing to do with me!" I said holding up my hands and walking into the small office.
"Its ok you haven't done anything, I wanted you to know we found your brothers. They wrote this for you after I sent them some info' about you.
I haven't opened it, so if you don’t mind could you tell me about it later?" Sally handed me the thick envelope.
"Yeah, sure, whatever thanks sally!" with that I ran back to my room. Let’s see what these dweebs have to say!
**Gerard’s PoV**
A few days ago I got this really random phone call from a woman called Sally in Wales. She asked me a load of personal questions about my family that I was cautious answering. By the end of the questioning she says;
"Well Mr Way, I have some good news for you. You have a sister, she's almost 16 and has been dying to find her family." I was in shock.
"Are you sure?!" was all I could manage,
"Yes we are quiet sure and so is the hospital. Would you like me to send some information about her?" The woman asked
"Um, yeah thanks that would be good. I had better tell my brother," Mikey is going to love this!!!
"Ok well I hope you can visit soon, bye!" She hung up. What are we going to do?!
"MIKEY!!!! WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM!!!" I shouted down the tour bus, luckily non of the other guys were here at the moment so I could tell Mikey about our "sister" in private. He ran in looking worried,
"What’s up bro?!" he asked sitting down opposite me.
"How do I put this?” I paused trying to think of how to put this simply “Apparently we have a little sister” I said slowly. Mikey went pale, almost as pale as me! He blinked a few times and then snapped out of it.
"Really?! That’s fantastic!!!" he said his eyes lighting up
"But what are we going to do?!" I asked freaking out
"How old is she?" he asked calmly
"Turning 16 in a few days." I replied
"Well we should go see her and bond you know" Mikey shrugged like it was easy
"But what about when we go on tour?! It’s not fair on her to just walk into her life and walk back out again" I exploded am i the only one with a brain?!" I put my head in my hands what are we going to do?!
"We could take her with us" Mikey said quietly. I looked up to see if he was joking. "We'd have to ask the others but I don’t see a problem" I thought for a moment.
"Ok we'll see what they say,"
** The Next Day, When the others arrive**
"Hey guys what’s up?" Bob asked sitting down,
"we need to talk to you guys" I said
"oh my god he got some chick pregnant!!!" Ray said with wide eyes
"NO I DIDN'T!!! I got a phone call yesterday, apparently Mikey and I have a 15 year old sister." They all went quiet while Mikey got up to find the post.
"O-k so what you planning to do?" Frank asked
"I don’t know what we can do. We can’t walk into her life for a month and then walk back out again." I said. The guys looked at each other as if answering an unspoken question.
"We have mail! That was fast!" Mikey shouted running back to the group. "Oooh looks important you open it!" He said handing me a white envelope. It was a load of info on our sister;
"Her name is Ezzabel. But people call her Izzy hey she loves MCR!!!" i said scanning through the letter.
"Well she defiantly has taste oooh pictures!!!" Frank said as they fell on the floor. He looked at the first and blinked a few times "You’re going to have LOADS of fun!" he chuckled passing the photo round. When Mikey and I saw it we both laughed. It was true we were going to have fun; she was a rebel in the making. She had black hair like mine, pink bangs and piercing blue eyes like our mom. She had a few piercings in her ears; I looked at the second photo. It was taken on her 15th she was posing with another girl and 4 boys, hmmm they seemed close. Well the guy with dreads did.
"Hey she plays the guitar!" Mikey smiled
"Coolio! We should write her a letter back!" Ray said getting up to find some paper. So that’s what we did, each of us wrote a letter and we included a photo. I looked back at the photos. She was at one of our concerts!! I added in my letter that we hoped to visit soon.
**Izzy’s POV**
I took the letter up to my room, most people were in bed but the older kids were still up. i turned off my music and lay down on my bed. there were about five different letters. A photo was amongst the pile and to my surprise it was My Chemical Romance! They were all grinning like chesher cats and waving. i almost screamed, even so Alex the resident councillor rushed in.
"What’s the matter?!" she asked, i handed her a letter and the photo, "he says he's your older brother and that he's in MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!" she looked at me wide eyed,
"My...brothers are in my favourite band!!!!!!!!" I shouted "I HAVE A FAMILY!" both Alex and I started to jump up and down. It had been years since I had last been fostered and even then it only lasted a week. So to suddenly have a family was a fantastic feeling! After that I stuck the picture up on my wall and fell asleep, praying for my brothers to visit soon.