Status: I hope to update soon, currently working on a sequal even though I havent planned the end of this!

You Never Cared for 16 Years, Why Get to Know Me Now?

Fun Times

**Izzy's POV**
I ran upstairs to put on my back converses and to put on my jacket. Mikey had followed me up, and sat on my bed waiting. Dunno why he followed me but oh well! I couldn’t find the jacket I wanted, so I grabbed my black and purple Billabong one.
"What made you do that?" Mikey asked turning my wrist over to see it more clearly.
"When I was 13 yrs old people started on me because I didn’t know my family, most nights I cried myself to sleep." I shook my head. "I got so depressed I wanted to die, so I started to cut. I ended up in hospital a few times because of it."
"What made you stop?" Mikey asked standing up
"The last time I was in a little girl, Harmony is her name, came to see me. She begged me not to leave her and kept calling me big sis. I couldn’t leave her without a family. I know what its like, and I couldn’t do that to her, I just couldn’t. So I stopped and I haven’t done it in 6 months" Mikey pulled me into a hug, I felt safe.
"Nothing is going to take you away from us now sis." he said. With that we linked arms and went downstairs to the others.
"Behave!" Sally told me as I walked out the door.
"Don’t I always?!" I was shocked I may have been to 12 different foster homes, and ended up back at St D's orphanage but it wasn’t because I miss behaved!
Gerard was talking to Sally about something so I walked outside and sat on the steps. I put my iPod on and listened to the music until I realised that someone else had come out to sit with me. It was Frank; he pulled one of my headphones out and put it in. He just started laughing
"We turn up to where you live and you sit outside listening to our music?!" I laughed, I like Frank he's kinda cool in his own way.
"Ah Ez there you are!" Gee came out and sighed with relief.
"Yep here i am! You can't get rid of me that easy!!" I feel like i’m dreaming this happiness. Now just feels like i’m living a lie. I don’t want to wake up if it is a dream please don’t let my happiness end!
"Come on Iz up you get!" bob pulled me up laughing and joking. Is this what its like to have a family?
"Earth calling Izzy!" Frank waved his hand in front of my face snapping me out of my trance.
"What? Sorry deep in thought!" I said he smiled
"Do you want ice cream?" he asked
"No ta, i’m ok" i replied and stared out the window of the shop.
**Gerard’s POV**
Izzy looked like she was in a trance, we stopped for ice cream but she just stared out of the window and into space again.
"Do you think she's ok?" I asked slightly concerned now
"Well how would you feel if you didn’t know your brothers for nearly 16 years, and they suddenly turn up? She's taking it all in, you know having a family." Frank said. Looks like Frankie has used up all his wisdom for today!
"When are we going to tell her?" Mikey asked
"Hmmmm, I feel like having a pizza tonight, we could go out and tell her then!" bob said getting excited.
"Hey Ez! You fancy going out for a pizza tonight?" I asked she snapped out of her trance again and turned to face me,
"Yeah that sounds great!" she said with a smile.
So when we finished we went back to the orphanage. There was a lot of screaming coming from what sounded like a little girl. Izzy ran up the steps without a second thought and naturally we followed.
"Ok, calm it down; I could hear you all the way down the drive!" Izzy said crouching down and talking to a girl that looked no more than 7.
"But they said I'm leaving in a couple of days!" the girl protested
"I know you are and that’s a good thing, because it means you get a mom and dad." Ez replied this is interesting to watch!
"But why aren't you leaving with a mommy and daddy?" the girl questioned
"Because my mommy and daddy left. And anyway I have my brothers visiting now. Why don’t you go and start packing? Harmony don’t cry you'll make me cry!" Ez wiped the girl’s tears away.
"Ok big sis, thank you. I’m glad you didn’t go" and with that the girl ran off. I wonder what she meant by 'I’m glad you didn’t go'
"Hey Ez why don’t you go and get changed we're just gonna talk to Sally." Frank said, Ez half turned tears filling her blue eyes and nodded.
**An hour later!!!!**
God time flies when you’re having fun and sorting out guardianship of your sister!
"Ok Ezzabel is now legally in your care. Be warned she gives as good as she gets" Sally laughed
"Here's my number in case you need it, and we bought Izzy a leaving present that we'll give to her before you go. It has all the numbers she will possibly need in there except for yours." Alex said wrapping a mobile phone box.
"We'll tell her tonight and leave a couple of days for her to say goodbye and pack." I said the girls nodded happy to see Izzy finally getting what she always wanted. Ez was sat outside the office waiting for us, swinging her legs back and forth as she listened to her music. When we came out she smiled and jumped down from where she was sitting,
"Ready to go?" she asked stuffing her headphones into a pocket,
"Come on then lil sis" Mikey said as we jumped in the car.
Over dinner we laughed and joked about random things, also about the band, concerts and fan girls. We were just about to tell Ez the good news when a load of fan girls ran up to us. We signed a few autographs and then ran back to the car; Izzy was asleep before we had the chance to tell her.
"Tell her in the morning, it’s been a long day" Ray suggested as I carried Ez upstairs to her room, I put her down on the bed and noticed the picture we had sent her along with a few other posters. I decided to let Ez sleep so I crept out the room and shut the door quietly behind me.