Status: I hope to update soon, currently working on a sequal even though I havent planned the end of this!

You Never Cared for 16 Years, Why Get to Know Me Now?

Shopping With The Guys!

**Izzy’s POV**
When we got to the shopping mall we parked up next to a black Cadillac Escalade. I think the guys were shocked to see it because they just stood there wide eyed.
"What’s a Cadillac doing here?!" Frank exclaimed walking around the car.
"Let me guess the owner wanted to go shopping!!" I said, he just stuck his tongue out at me. "Na, I think Bill wanted to go shopping, so Tommi must have driven" I said smiling, knowing I was probably right.
"How did you know that?" Gee asked as we walked through the doors of the mall.
"1st, Bill LOVES to shop and any chance he gets along with sleeping he takes. 2nd There was a 'Number 1 Gangsta' in the car, I gave tom that a few months ago. And 3rd, Tom doesn't let ANYONE drive his car." Gee and I walked over to Blue Banana, while the others went to scout around other places. That’s when I saw Bill and Rainey looking at various band tees and having a giggle.
"Keep very quiet!" I told Gee as I ran over to Bill. I gave Raine the 'don't say a word' motion and jumped on Bill's back. Gee joined us and some how Raine ended up on the floor laughing!
"Hey Billa did you get scared?" I asked still on his back.
"Hi Ez, I did a bit. Gott what a way to wake someone up!" I jumped down and pulled Rainey off the floor.
"So this is the long lost brother" She said with a friendly smile
"Yeah I guess I am. I'm Gerard and you are?" Gee asked, she smiled again as Bill put his arm around her.
"I'm Raine, Izzy's best friend and this is Bill" Raine introduced herself.
"Pleased to meet you. Bill are you in a band? You seem familiar."
"Ja! Tokio Hotel. My brother is around here somewhere." Bill replied
"See told you Tom would be here; the Gangsta doesn't trust anyone with his car." We all laughed and went back to shopping.
Gee insisted on buying me a load of things saying it was to make up for missing so many of my birthdays. After 2 hours of shopping we decided to get some food and meet up with the guys, that’s when someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes.
"Guess who liebe" A German voice said seductively in my ear.
"Hey Tommi" I replied turning
**Gerard's POV**
I bought Ez a load of things, trying to make up for lost birthdays. She objected to having money spent on her which Raine said was normal. I just kept saying to her it was to make up for 16 years of neglect. Not that a few clothes could completely make up for that!
We were on our way to the food hall with Raine and Bill when some guy with dreads came up behind Izzy and started chatting her up!
"Chill Gerard that’s Tom, Bill's twin" Raine reassured me putting a hand on my shoulder. He was inches away from her now and it made me feel uncomfortable.
"So are they together?" I asked if they were it would make me feel a little better. Bill laughed slightly until Raine hit him gently over the head.
"No they're not. Tom keeps asking but she keeps turning him down. WE'LL SEE YOU AT THE FOOD HALL!!!" Rain shouted to them. Ez turned and nodded
"Why is that then?" I wanted to know everything that I'd missed; I could fill Mikey in later.
"Well my brother has a bit of a rep', don't hold it against him but it can put people off" Bill started
"Tom is known for being a player. Sometimes he's had long relationships, others it’s lasted a few days." Raine continued. "On tour he's known for his one night stands. Izzy doesn't want him to leave and then cheat on her, she's been hurt enough." Rainey finished I nodded understanding
"Hey bro where's Ez?" Mikey asked as we sat down at a table,
"Um, oh here!" She bounced over and sat down. So the two bands sat together and talked about tours and things. Turns out Tokio Hotel are touring America at the same time as us!
"OH MIEN GOTT!" Raine suddenly cried wide eyed.
"What’s the matter?!" I asked kinda worried
"You’re leaving me Ez NIEN!!!"
"Can you please explain I'm confused" I asked Izzy & Bill smiled and just laughed.
"OK Bill correct me if I translate wrong. Raine said 'Oh My God Your Leaving Me Ez NO!' Raine you'll be going with Billa no doubt!" Iz explained and Bill nodded.
"But....we won’t see each other!!" Raine protested.
"Maybe we could meet up with each other during the tour, what do you think?" Bill suggested
"That would be cool." I said earning Bill and I a hug and a kiss of both girls. "I feel loved!" was all we could say.
"Hey Ez I got you something" Mikey said smiling handing her a smallish bag.
"Oh no! She'll only protest about it!" I said remembering what she was like with me
"Nope you’re going to like this" he said still smiling
"Mikey you rock!" she sang giving him a hug.
"3 packs of guitar strings. I needed Frank's help but it’s the thought that counts." he said. Frank nodded too as Izzy thanked him for helping Mikey.
"HAHAHAHA!!!! Tom thought he was getting lucky!!!" Rainey sang as we walked back towards the cars. Ez and Bill said something about buying a huge supply of chemicals?!
"Shut up Raine! A guy can dream!" Tom protested
"Not about our sister you don't!" Mikey said hitting him over the head
"What about your sister?" Izzy asked as she and Bill skipped towards us Skittles in hand.
"Tommi was getting imaginative!" Raine said. Ez pulled a face and rolled her eyes at him. Good to see she doesn't have the same ideas!
"Not going to happen!" she said opening a bag of skittles.
"Ooh unlucky you have to go home with a hyper Izzy!" Raine laughed stealing some yellow skittles. "I won’t nick the orange ones I promise" she said laughing
"You shouldn't have bought me so much!" Ez whined for the millionth time
"Ez moaning isn't going to change anyone’s mind!" Bob said trying to keep a serious face and not achieving it
"FINE!!! When are we going?" she asked after running everything upstairs to her room
"Day after tomorrow" I replied
"Sally can Rain come over for a sleepover?" she asked as Sally passed
"Of course this is Raine's second home!" she replied oooh sleepover!!!!!