Status: I hope to update soon, currently working on a sequal even though I havent planned the end of this!

You Never Cared for 16 Years, Why Get to Know Me Now?

Sleepovers,Scary Movies & Why Are You Guys Here?!

**Izzy's POV**
We'd told the guys that we were having a girl’s night so they were to amuse themselves. (Not in a sick minded way!!) We had made sure we'd said GIRLS night because every time we've had a sleepover the whole of Tokio Hotel are there!!!
It was 10 o'clock and everyone was already in bed. We'd taken over the lounge with a stack of movies, popcorn and other sleepover snacks.
"So what are we going to watch next?" Raine asked grabbing a handful of popcorn,
"Dunno, you choose and set up the movie and I'll get ice cream and more popcorn" I replied. We'd already watched Shaun of the Dead & Twilight, so the next film was Raine's choice, BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!
She chose 'My Bloody Valentine'. I came back Ben & Jerry's + popcorn in hands and sat down.
"It was this and Drag Me to Hell later." She informed me as the opening credits came on.
"This got good ratings apparently" I said as the film started
"It’s all good in zee hood." Raine replied getting more ice cream.
**Near the end of the film! **
I don't know how many times we've screamed, it’s a good thing we gave everyone ear plugs!
"I'm officially scared of chainsaws!" I said hiding behind a pillow,
"Meeee toooo! I want Billa!" Rainey whined, oh bless" and no I'm not about to shout I WANT TOMMI!!! (Even if I do want him!) We were near the dramatic end when the power cut out, we screamed with shock.
"GREAT JUST FANTASTIC!" I said sarcastically grabbing my bat for protection.
"And we're outta Ben & Jerry's!" Raine whined, power cuts are fine when you have a few things with you. 1) Ben and Jerry's 2) Fit Lads {aka Bill Kaulitz for Raine!} and 3) Skittles!!!!! Well we had NO Ben and Jerry's, NO fit lads, but we did have a few skittles left. Ewwwwwwww! Green ones!!!!!!!!!!
That’s when someone started banging at the windows. To make the atmosphere even scarier it had been raining, we loved the rain but when someone is banging at your window and you've just been watching an extremely scary horror, everything just makes you think you’re in a bad horror movie!
"I'm not s-scared!" Raine said reaching for me; she was like a jitter bug!
"Don't worry I have my bat ready, maybe we should have watched that film with the guys!" I said holding my bat in front of me; nobody's getting a chainsaw on us!!!
"You say this NOW?!" Raine asked throwing her hands in the air.
"You chose the film!" I retorted, as there was another bang and the front door slammed. Then slowly the door to the lounge opened...
...revealing four ghostly white soaking wet figures. Let’s just say we both screamed loader than we had during the film and I thought any minute now we're going to collapse! We didn't luckily! Thankfully the lights came back on; it was only the twins and Gee + Mikey! Raine and I flopped back on the sofa with relief; I still had my bat in my hand I couldn't let go SHOCK!
"Sorry did we scare you?" Mikey asked cleaning his glasses
"Give us a minute to restart our hearts and what made you think you scared us?!" I replied calming my breathing.
"What were you two watching?" Gee asked as I got up and turned the TV off. Bill had Raine on his lap soothing her; he could have been here during the film!!!!! Tom had disappeared into the kitchen.
"Ummm..." I started looking at Raine
"My Bloody Valentine?" She said it sounded more like a question.
"WHAT?!" Gee exploded ooops over reactive big brother alert!!!!
"That’s an 18!!!" Mikey protested
"No wonder you were scared, wait who gave it to you?" Bill said laughing slightly
"That’s the last time I let you choose!" I said pointing to Raine and eating some strawberry bootlaces "we're not telling!" I said I wasn't going to admit Georg had given it to us!!! Well after an hour of me begging he did!!! >.<
"OK, OK Drag Me to Hell next time," Raine replied "or now" she added after a moment of thought
"Cool what do you guys say?" I asked changing the DVD.
"Will Sally mind?" Tom asked carrying a tray in that had coffee on.
"Nope we gave 'em all earplugs" I said taking a coffee,
"Why?" Mikey and Gee asked together
"Hmmm, let me think. Little kids, Candy, Screaming possibly. Do we need to say anymore?" Raine said as if it was obvious
"Ha-ha, Bill do you remember what that little girl used to call us? Is she still here? What was our nickname....?” Tom started
"The HORLIX TWINS! Yeah Harmony was here till this afternoon, she's just been fostered" I said laughing "Don't say it!" I warned Raine
"Say what? Tell us!" Gee said. I smacked my forehead with my hand and shook my head. "You'll regret it!" I said sitting down on the floor.
"Not everyone has your sick mind!" Raine said hitting me on the head with a pillow, "What I usually say is; 'he's some beverage'-" I covered her mouth before she continued. We all fell about laughing, Bill then hid his face, Tom shook his head and my brothers just scowled.
"Are we going to watch this film then?" Bill asked reappearing.
"YEP!" I sang turning the TV back on. "What are you guys doing here anyway?" I asked sitting back on the floor.
"Well we thought we'd see if you guys were OK. And then we heard screaming and then the power went out" Gee explained.
"Bill, what part of a girl’s night didn't you understand?" Raine asked poking him
"Well he is like a-... awwww!" Tom began to say before I elbowed him hard in the ribs. "Well excuse me for checking on our lovely Ladies! And that REALLY hurt!" Tom whined, Gee raised an eyebrow but said nothing
"Good! And I could have used my baseball bat! So be careful what you say!" I threatened.
**Gerard's POV**
Tom was still trying it on with Ez luckily she threatened him with a baseball bat hahaha! We watched the film and the girls seemed to relax, Bill and Raine fell asleep near the end of the film and Ez put a blanket over them.
"I'll get some more blankets" Ez said quietly she left the room leaving me, Tom and Mikey alone (Raine and Bill don't count!)
"You OK dude?" Tom asked me
"Hmmm, just wondering why you keep trying it on with our sister" I replied.
"She needs a guy around, you know. Bill, Gustav, Georg and I have always been here for her." He said implying he now wanted something in return.
"She has us too now, and if she needs us she knows we're here" Mikey snapped. I looked towards the door to see Izzy standing there ooops!
"Thanks Tom, but i DON'T need a guy around!" she threw the blankets on the sofa and ran out the room slamming her bedroom door.
"Well Done!" I said sarcastically Raine woke up with a start looking disorientated
"What?! Where’s Izzy?!" She asked looking around and gently pulling bill off of her.
"Tom made the mistake of saying she NEEDED a guy around" I explained
"Izzy was at the door when he said it" Raine guessed, I nodded "IDIOT" she said walking out the door.
After about 20 minutes Raine came back, Tom was asleep on the sofa and Mikey and I were sat on the other twin seater.
"She okay?" I asked Raine shook her head.
"She's really pissed off with Tom, but she says Mikey was spot on with his comment 'I know they're there if and when I need them' " I nodded
"So what is she doing now?" I asked
"She's writing or was until she fell asleep" We all smiled
"Speaking of which we should be getting some sleep" Mikey said yawning Raine saluted and then went back over to Bill and curled up next to him. I just leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes Mikey did the same; I was asleep in minutes, zzzzzzzzzzzzz.