Status: I hope to update soon, currently working on a sequal even though I havent planned the end of this!

You Never Cared for 16 Years, Why Get to Know Me Now?

The Truth Really Can Work Wonders!

After talking to Tom I decided to go and finish packing. I didn't have a lot of stuff but all my junk seemed to fill a big suitcase! In my carry on I packed the essentials; makeup bag, IPod, a book, Skittles and my laptop. I zipped all my bags up and put a hoodie out ready for tomorrow.
Over dinner everyone decided they wanted to come to the airport. Unnecessary in my opinion, but then again I didn't know when I was going to see them again and I was leaving all my friends behind. Candy was the only one who wasn't going to go, that was fine with me!
"You'll have to get up early tomorrow" Gee told me as I carried my case downstairs, Bill and Raine groaned.
"I HATE EARLY MORNINGS!" Bill protested resting his head on Raine's shoulder. Her icy blue eyes welling up with tears at the thought of me moving all the way to America.
"You don't have to go" I replied laughing, his head snapped up
"NIEN!!!! We'll be at the airport no more complaints from me!!!! I'll just drink loads of coffee!" Bill rambled on at great speed. We all laughed at how he rushed to say that whole sentence.
"See you tomorrow then!" I waved goodbye to everyone as they left
"Bye Tom!!!!" Candy shrieked as Tom left he was the last to go.
"Shut up Candy, See you tomorrow Ez" he hugged me and left. Candy glared at me and then ran to her room, her face... Priceless!!!
**Around 2 am!!!!**
I was in a lovely sleep, well until I heard tapping on my window. As I stirred from my slumber the tapping became more frequent and urgent. I slowly got out of bed rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I pulled back the curtain and opened the window to find TOM sat on the fire escape!!!
"Good evening Liebe" He said standing up.
"I agree with the 'evening' part and it was good until you woke me up!" I ranted getting back into my nice warm bed.
"Sorry about that, can I come in?" he asked I shrugged
"Sure if you want to. Just shut the window its cold" He climbed through my window with ease, shut it and took off his cap. He decided to sit on my bed next to me so I moved over and made room.
"I came over because I don't want you to go to New Jersey...But I know you've always wanted a family so you'd go anyway." I nodded sleepily resting my head on his chest; he put his arms around me and smiled.
"There's something else I wanted to tell you" he started. I shifted my body so I could face him.
"Go on then" I replied looking into his eyes
"Ich liebe dich Ezzabel" he whispered, I rested my head back on his chest
"Ich liebe dich auch." I said as my eyes slid shut slowly leaving me in darkness, but feeling safe knowing Tom was here.
**Tom's POV**
"Ich liebe dich Ezzabel" I whispered wondering if she knew what that meant
"Ich liebe dich auch." she replied, before I could ask her to be mine she fell asleep in my arms. Well it is 2am and I did wake her up! I got up slowly trying not to wake her and then pulled the covers over her. I crept out the window again and down the fire escape, damn these baggy pants! My car was parked by the escape and I drove quickly home. Sadly tomorrow Izzy is leaving and I don't know how long it will be before I see her again. We have got to meet up on tour!
**Gerard's POV**
I phoned mom when we got back to the hotel. After all she was picking us up from the airport and she didn't honestly know why we were here.
Phone call;
Mom - hello?
Me - Hey mom!
Mom - oh Gerard I wondered who it was then! Everything OK?
Me - Yeah, um I just wanted to ask you about um....what happened 16 years ago?
Mom - *Very quiet for a few minutes* There was something your father and I never told you or Mikey...
Me - go on
Mom - well...while you boys were away at school. I became pregnant...On July 6th 1993 I gave birth to a baby girl...
Me - Go on mom I need to know
Mom - I’m sorry it’s just hard to say after all these years. She was beautiful; she had the bluest eyes you've ever seen! Everyone said she had my eyes...
Me - what happened?! Why did we never meet her?! I hated making my mom cry it just wasn't right, but this is one story she needed to tell.
Mom - *crying slightly* It was November; your sister was 4 months old. You and Mikey were coming home for the holidays so your father and I were going to surprise you. Anyway we needed to do some Christmas shopping and things so we hired a babysitter...That was the biggest mistake we ever made, we came home to find the babysitter gone along with our little girl! There was only a note left telling us we would never see our Ezzabella again, the only reminder of her was a little charm bracelet.
Me - why didn't you tell us?
Mom - we didn't want to break the family apart! We hired a private investigator for months but they found nothing. So we hid it from you, I'm so sorry.
Me - Mom a few weeks ago, I got a call from a woman in Wales...she said she'd found our sister. She said the hospital was sure she was our sister.
Mom -.... My Ezzabella's alive!!
Me - Well, they call her Ezzabel but Izzy for short and she really does have your eyes
Mom - You've met her?!
Me - Yes mom! That’s why me and the guys are in WALES .We're coming home tomorrow remember.
Mom - Is Ezzabella coming with you?
Me - YES!! We weren't going to leave her in the orphanage!
Mom - I can't wait to meet her! I'll meet you all at the airport!
I - OK then mom see you tomorrow
Mom - *excited* Bye boys! My little girl is coming home!!
I put my phone back into my pocket and smiled.
"Someone's happy" I laughed thinking about her reaction
"Yeah well. She'll be even happier tomorrow!" Mikey said we both laughed even more and decided to call it a night. We were going to be up early tomorrow so we had better get some sleep!
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sorry I haven't updated in a while Ive been a Lil busy! well i will hopefully get the next chapter out a bit sooner!!!!!