Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime


“Amber, guess what!” Anna screamed, even though Amber was only a few feet away.

“You’ve decided that you want to be a banshee?” Amber asked sarcastically.

“My plan is working! Jack loves me!” Anna said while jumping up and down.

“Uh-huh. And you figured this out how?”

“He said it to Alex when he thought I couldn’t hear him,” Anna said as she began pulling things out of the fridge to cook.

“You’re making burgers?” Amber changed the subject. She was extremely skeptical about Anna’s news, but wasn’t going to attempt to argue with her. “You do know that Gabe is a vegan right?”

“He can have a salad or something,” Anna said absent-mindedly as she began to form the meat into patties.

“How very thoughtful of you,” Amber muttered sarcastically. “I’ll make him some pasta.”

“Mmkay,” Anna sung.


Amber and Anna brought the food down to the boys, who all happily attacked it. When they were done, the ritual was performed of tying their hands back up. But when Anna arrived at Jack she didn’t tie him up. Instead she sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. He draped his arm around her. Rockstar decided to join in, and sat on Jack’s lap.

“Do you love me, Jack?” Anna asked with fake innocence.

When Jack didn’t answer, Anna looked up. Jack had a mixture of shock and embarrassment on his face. Was he actually blushing?

Before anyone could say anything more, however, the doorbell rang.

“I thought that we had booby traps set up!” Amber cried, running up the stairs. Anna reluctantly got up and ran after her, making sure to tie Jack’s hand up first.

They opened the front door, but nobody was there. That meant they had to be at the back door.

Anna reached the door before Amber, and yanked it open. Patrick Stump stood there, and behind him Pete Wentz was hanging upside down from the rope.

Amber gasped and Anna giggled.

“Can I help you?” Amber said, feigning ignorance as to why they were here.

“Uh, we’re here because Gabe told us that this is where All Time Low was, and he never came back from his rescue mission.” Patrick said.

Amber tried to pretend she was confused, but Anna burst out laughing. Anna shot her a death glare.

“Come on in,” Amber said, moving out of the way and motioning for Patrick to enter. He looked extremely wary, but entered anyway.

Anna started to close the door.

“Yeah, would someone please get me the fuck down from here?” Pete called out.

“Oh, right.” Anna laughed as she grabbed her pocket knife to cut him down.

“Wait, Anna, remember what happened last time you cut someone down?” Amber warned, trying to remind her about the effects of gravity.

“Yeah, I know.” Anna said and cut the rope. Pete fell to the floor. “That’s just so much fun to watch!” she squealed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fun, fun!
Comments please