Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

The Hair

Amber motioned for Patrick and Pete to sit on the couch and she sat on a chair facing them. Anna, however, went to stand behind them, which made Patrick uneasy. He kept glancing back at her.

“Could you please tell us what’s going on?” Patrick asked as he shifted further forward in his seat to put distance between him and Anna.

“Right, okay.” Amber stammered. “Well you see-“

She was cut off by Anna. “It’s a misunderstanding. I will go get Jack; he’ll explain it to you!”

“Uh, Anna I don’t think…” Amber began, but trailed off when she realized Anna was not listening. She was already heading down the stairs to the basement.

The boys were all anxious as they heard footsteps, thinking maybe someone had finally come to rescue them. There was a communal groan when they realized it was just Anna. Except for Jack, of course.

“Hello everyone!” Anna sang out as she skipped over to Jack and began to untie him. “I need you,” she said and led him back upstairs, with no explanation to anyone.

Pete and Patrick both lit up with relief when they saw Jack. He was alive, and even smiling, which was a very good sign that they wouldn’t get murdered.

“Hi guys!” Jack said cheerfully to the new arrivals. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, we thought we were rescuing you, but it appears you don’t need rescuing.” Pete said, nodding towards Jack’s hand which was firmly grasped in Anna’s. In reality, he was holding her hand because he wanted to; she was holding his to prevent him from running away. That doesn’t mean she didn’t enjoy it.

Things seemed to be going great, Jack was playing along perfectly. But just then a voice came from the basement. “We need rescuing!” Alex shouted. Anna had forgotten to close the basement door.

Patrick and Pete both jumped up.

“Quick, take them out!” Anna shouted.

Jack immediately tackled Pete and Anna and Amber lunged at Patrick. It wasn’t long before the two were tied up and being carried to the basement.

“Damn it!” Alex cursed when he saw them coming down the stairs. “What is it with you people trying to be heroes instead of calling the police?”

“Oh yeah, that reminds me,” Anna said as she reached down and grabbed their phones.

Everyone glared at Jack, who was happily sitting in a chair. Anna had decided he didn’t need to be tied up anymore.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Alex asked Jack.

He ignored the comment because he was too busy watching Anna, who was currently braiding Pete’s bangs. He looked extremely unhappy about it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know I've been bad about updating this. I'm sorry!!
I hope you like it anyway.
As always, comments are appreciated