Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

The Stampede

“I LOVE IT!” Anna exclaimed, taking a step back to admire her work. Pete’s hair was now made of several braids all over the place, tied at the ends with neon bows. Patrick sat across from him, laughing. Everyone else was giggling too. Pete, on the other hand, was pouting. Full-on pouting.

“Why?” he pleaded to nobody.

“Because you weren’t colorful enough!” Anna explained. She paused for a moment, thinking, and then ran upstairs. When she came back she had a pink tutu in her hands.

“Oh no!” Pete curled himself into a ball. “There is no way in hell you are putting me in that!”

Anna giggled. “Come on, they’re so much fun to wear! You can twirl around in them, and they bounce when you walk. Not that you could do that, you’re tied up. But still…”

By this time everyone else was in tears from their laughter, except Jack, who sat watching and sulking from a distance. He looked jealous.

“There is no fucking chance in hell that you will get me to wear that,” Pete glared at Anna.

“Party pooper!” Anna stuck out her tongue and threw the tutu at Pete. Then she skipped over to sit next to Jack.

“So does someone want to explain why Jack isn’t on our side?” Patrick piped up.

“Because he is ‘in love’” Rian piped up, putting emphasis on the words ‘in love’ to show his disbelief.

Anna grinned, and Jack put his arm around her as if to prove the point.

“So then why do the rest of us have to be here still?” Patrick questioned.

“Beats me,” Alex said.

Patrick turned to Anna, and then to Amber, to see if they would give him a reason, but Amber just shrugged and motioned toward Anna, and Anna wasn’t paying any attention to them. Instead she was staring into nothing, her mind preoccupied with something else. Jack was behind her, not-so-subtly sniffing her hair.

All of a sudden, she was snapped out of her trance. Standing up, she grabbed Jack’s hand and pulled him upstairs.

“Where are we going?” he asked, not resisting her in the slightest.

“Grocery shopping,” she answered happily while pushing him out the front door.

“Okay.” He answered contently.

While riding in the car Jack turned to Anna. “Why did you take me with you?” he asked curiously.

“Because, I hate shopping alone, and if I took Amber then everyone would convince you to set them free!”

He shook his head vigorously. “I would never do anything you wouldn’t want me to,” he told her.

Anna giggled at this, before pulling into a parking spot and turning off the car.

“Are you ever going to let them go?” Jack asked her before she got out.

“Eventually; I’m just afraid that when I do someone will report us and I’ll get arrested. I need a plan before I release them.” Anna admitted, being serious for just a moment before she returned to her usual crazy self. “Shopping time, onward!” she yelled and jumped out of the car in a superhero pose.

Jack chuckled and copied her motions and they both headed into the store together.

However, Anna ran into a problem that she should have expected as they walked into Wal-mart. Immediately a group of fans attacked them, demanding for autographs. At first it was just a few people, but the crowd slowly grew as people came over to see what the commotion was about. Jack looked like a deer in the headlights as he looked over the ever-growing horde.

Anna tugged his hand. “Run!” she yelled at him. They both booked it back to the car and locked themselves in.

“That was exciting!” Anna squealed, practically bouncing out of her seat.

Jack laughed. “Yeah, I guess you will have to do your shopping alone.”

Anna pouted, but eventually went into the store solo, leaving Jack locked in the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a filler, but I hope you all like it.
Comments make me happy