Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

The Goodbye

Amber woke up early the next morning. She was careful to be quiet and not wake anyone, otherwise her plan would fail. Heading down to the basement she nudged Alex awake, urging him to be quiet as well. Together they got ready to execute their seemingly genius plan.

Jack was fast asleep next to Anna, clinging onto her for dear life and occasionally letting out a loud snore. Tip-toeing around very quietly, Alex and Anna went around waking up the other kidnapees and making sure that nobody woke Jack up.

Once that was accomplished Alex called the tour manager. After several minutes of explaining that everyone was fine and apologizing for missing several shows, he requested that the tour bus be driven to the address of Amber and Anna’s house. They had agreed not to mention kidnapping so as to prevent Amber or Anna from getting into deep trouble, and had instead came up with some lame story about how the band members had just played hooky to visit old friends.

Everyone waited around after that. The next step could not be completed until the bus had arrived, for danger of Jack waking up. While standing around in the living room, they heard talking from the basement.

“Shit, he’s awake” Alex muttered under his breath. All of their careful planning had gone down the drain. They had to come up with a new idea, and fast!

“Let me deal with this,” Amber said as she headed down to the basement.

When she walked in she saw that Jack had found some handcuffs from an old magic kit and had cuffed himself and Anna together.

“I’m not leaving her!” he shouted when he saw Amber come down the stairs. He lifted his hand proudly to show the handcuffs.

“Uh-huh.” Amber said as she surveyed the scene for a moment. Then she turned towards the stairs. “Alex, will you come down here a sec?” she yelled.

He was down within a matter of seconds.

“I’m not leaving her!” Jack shouted again, this time a little louder.

Alex looked a little dumbfounded, but quickly recovered. Amber leaned in and whispered something to him. He nodded.

In what seemed to be a synchronized movement, they looked up and advanced toward the other two. As soon as Jack realized they were moving, he tried to run the other way, but Anna was slower in processing so he ended up falling on his face and pulling her down with him.

“NO!” Jack screamed as he clawed at the ground with his free hand. “You will never get me out of these handcuffs!”

Amber smiled knowingly. Alex sat down on top of Jack and held his arms to the floor while Amber leaned over and flipped the little switch on the side of the handcuffs. They were from an old magic kit after all.

As soon as the handcuffs were off, Amber moved to prevent Anna from grabbing on to Jack. Alex turned around and in one quick motion had Jack by the feet and proceeded to drag him towards the stairs. Jack kicked and screamed and clawed at everything trying to grab hold of something to stop him.

Waiting by the stairs was the tour manager who had come to see what all was going on. He picked up Jack’s hands to help Alex carry him up. Jack writhed in between the two.
Alex and the tour manager carried Jack outside and into the tour bus, where they laid him on the bed and exited before he could get out. A security guard moved in front of the door to keep him from escaping or Anna from getting in.

Everyone else stood outside waiting to say goodbye. They may have been tied up and kidnapped, but they were going to miss the two crazy girls.

Alex especially realized that he was going to miss Amber. He couldn’t believe it, but he had actually developed a crush on her.

Amber and Anna went around hugging the rock stars. When Amber reached Alex, he leaned down and kissed her without any warning. After a second of confusion, she kissed him back. Pete and Gabe cheered, while Patrick laughed.

As they pulled apart, Amber turned and saw Anna pawing at the window of the tour bus where Jack had his face pushed against the glass. She laughed a little.

“Maybe we’ll come visit you after we finish the tour,” Alex said. Amber bit her lip a little and nodded.

He pulled her in for another hug, and then everyone filed onto the bus and they were off. Amber and Anna stood in the driveway and watched the bus pull away. Once it was completely gone, Amber led her twin sister back into the house.

“Remind me to never go to a concert with you again!” Amber said to her sister, but when she turned her face the other way she couldn’t keep herself from smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know this chapter is long overdue. I am a slave to my college applications. But, I hope you like it. This is the last chapter of the story and I will be coming out with a sequel soon.
Comments are always appreciated!

**Update: The sequel has been started and can be found here