Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

The Road Trip

When the alarm clock went off at five in the morning, Anna awoke with a jolt. She was all tangled in her sheets and managed to fall off of the bed with a loud thud.

“Why?” she muttered to the air around her.

She waited a moment, but unfortunately no magical answer came to her. Groaning, she untangled herself from the bed sheets and half-walked, half-crawled to the shower. When she finally emerged, Amber was already in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

She looked up when her sister entered and held out a cup of coffee which Anna took wordlessly as she plopped down across the table. This was pretty much a morning ritual for them. After gulping down several scalding hot gulps of coffee, Anna grabbed a donut and shoved a third of it into her mouth.

“Anything more on your kidnapping plan?” Amber joked.

“Mmph hmm ma.” Anna replied with a full mouth.

“Right, gotcha.” Amber wasn’t even going to attempt to decipher that, and she didn’t care enough to ask her to repeat it.

They sat and ate in silence. Anna was practically bouncing off the walls while still in her seat, now that she had had her coffee. The caffeine, sugary donut, and excitement were not a good combination. Amber was afraid she was going to explode as she watched from the corner of her eye.

Finally Amber finished her breakfast. Together the two sisters packed a cooler with food for the road trip and headed out to the car.

“Tell me you’re not actually wearing that,” Amber eyed her sister’s outfit.

Anna was clad in one orange and one green converse, purple skinny jeans, a pink tulle tutu, and a yellow shirt. All of it was neon.

“Well, I have to wear enough color for the both of us!” Anna retorted. Amber of course, was dressed in black pants, black converse, and a dark grey t-shirt with lighter grey stars on it.

“Fine, get in the car.” Amber said, not wanting to get into another discussion about how she was supposedly “emo” and how boring it was to wear black.

Anna hopped into the passenger’s seat. Amber never let her drive with her in the car, although Anna couldn’t see why. She was a good driver. There was only that one time…

They drove for several hours. Anna fiddled with the radio blasting various types of music, while Amber gritted her teeth and tried to ignore it. After awhile Anna decided to plug her Zune in because she was tired of commercials.

This finally got to Amber, because Anna had decided to play the “My Little Pony” theme song on repeat. After about the third time Amber reached over and snatched the Zune out of Anna’s hands.

“We are going to listen to the entire Zune on shuffle, okay? No touching anything!”

Anna nodded meekly and bowed her head in defeat. But she didn’t stay quiet for long, unfortunately for Amber. Instead she proceeded to sing obnoxiously out of tune to the songs.

Luckily, they only had to travel a little bit farther before they reached the stadium where the band was playing with Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, and a few others.

Amber parked the car and the sisters went in to find their seats, front row. Anna was bouncing uncontrollably, waiting for the show to start.
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Hehe I like writing Anna's character, it's fun!
I know its short, but I'm kind of just randomly posting this as I write it, and chapters will get longer as things progress.
Comments please!!