Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

Oh No You Didn't!

Amber and Anna didn’t have to wait long before the concert started. The first band to play was Hey Monday, followed by Metro Station. They were both good bands, but the next three were the ones that the twins were actually interested in watching.

Cobra Starship was next, and they were definitely great. Gabe was one of Anna’s heroes, which isn’t very hard to imagine. Then, however, came what both of the girls had come such a long way for. All Time Low took the stage, and both of the sisters almost drooled at the band members’ hotness. Fall Out Boy was headlining the tour, but Amber and Anna were much more interested in All Time Low. They were the reason they had bought the tickets and driven such a long way.

After the concert had finished and people began piling out, Amber and Anna headed towards the door to go backstage. They showed the security guard their passes and he motioned them through. Naturally, since Fall Out Boy was the headlining band, most of the people with backstage passes went to their dressing room.

Amber and Anna, however, headed towards the dressing room of All Time Low.

Anna wasted no time in knocking on the door non-stop until Alex finally opened it. In fact, she almost kept knocking afterward, which would have ended in a black eye on Alex.

“Hi, I’m Anna!” she said hastily as he let them through. She was much more interested in finding Jack.

“Amber,” the other sister smiled.

“Are you guys twins?” Alex asked. He seemed a little confused at the idea of two twins looking so much alike, and yet acting so completely opposite of each other.

Jack, on the other hand, was finding great entertainment in Anna’s outfit. “Jack wants a tutu!” he exclaimed. Anna laughed.

“I’m sure you would pull it off great,” murmured Alex. This made Amber laugh.

They hung out for awhile, just talking about random things. Amber made sure to keep an eye on Anna to make sure she didn’t actually plan on knocking them out and taking them with her.

Eventually, they had to leave.

“Anna, say bye-bye.” Amber teased her sister.

Anna stomped her foot playfully, giving a look like she was going to throw a tantrum. “Fine!” she pouted. Everyone laughed.

“Okay, I’m going to go to the bathroom, meet you in the car?” Amber asked as they walked down the hallway towards the exit. Anna nodded.

Amber turned down the hallway and found the bathroom. Then she headed towards the car and hopped into the driver’s seat, closing the door. Anna was already seated in the passenger seat.

Amber put her keys in and started the car. She was just about to pull out, when she noticed something in her rear view mirror. Turning around, she saw the four band members slumped in the back seat, unconscious.

“Oh my god Anna, what did you do?” she screamed as her jaw dropped. How on earth did she even manage to get them out into the car unconscious, not to mention without people noticing.

“Just drive!” Anna exclaimed. “If we get caught, you will be just as liable as me.”

Amber panicked. She didn’t know what to do, so she did as she was told and drove.
♠ ♠ ♠
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