Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

I Demand An Explanation

Quick Author's note: the reating has been changed, although I'm not sure if it is necessary, due to the fact that Alex has a dirty mouth.

It was about two in the morning the other band members seemed to be waking up.

“What the fuck?” Alex mumbled as he looked around and found himself jammed into the backseat of a car with his band mates. The last thing he remembered was Jack charging at him while holding a guitar like a baseball bat. Maybe that was why his head hurt so badly.

He looked towards the front of the car to see the two twins from earlier. The sane, normal one was driving, and the crazy lunatic one was eating a candy bar and dancing to whatever music was playing in her headphones. Jack was asleep next to him, with his arm lying on top of Alex’s head. His armpit really smelled.

Alex pushed Jack off of him, causing Jack to tumble sideways and slump against the window.

“What’s going on?” he asked the girls up front.

“Don’t ask me,” Amber said jerking her thumb towards Anna. “It was all her.”

Anna couldn’t hear the conversation because of the music in her headphones. Tentatively Alex went to tap her on the shoulder. But as soon as his hand slightly touched her, she whipped her head around and snarled, almost biting his finger off.

“Geez, sorry.” He jumped back.

“Nobody interrupts me when I am listening to this song!” she exclaimed. Then, upon seeing the horrified look on Alex’s face, she burst into laughter.

Alex gave a small tentative smile. This Anna girl really scared him. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” he asked her.

“Oh nothing, it’s all part of the plan,” she sing-songed.

“What plan?” Zack asked as he rose groggily.

Anna burst into a fit of giggles. “I’ve never heard the Merrick talk before!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, yeah. What plan?” Alex was more demanding now.

Just then Amber pulled the car into her driveway. “Come inside, I’ll explain,” she said to the band. Rian was stirring now, and Jack was waking for the second time.

“Great, at least the sane one can explain to me,” Alex muttered.

Upon hearing this, Anna became very defensive. “Hey! I am completely not insane, mister!”

Zack chuckled, and Rian laughed.

“Yep, totally.” Rian said sarcastically.

Amber unlocked the door and led the band members into the house, where they sat on the couch and floor, waiting for an explanation.

“Okay, so as you guys can probably tell, my sister is a lunatic…” she began. Anna stuck her tongue out in defiance.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHAHA I love writing this story!
As previoulsy stated, I also love comments! (hint, hint)