Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

The Struggle

“She kidnapped us?” Alex exclaimed, rising to his feet.

“Yeah, I know. But I figured, since I had no choice in the matter, I would just let you guys know, and then let you go.” Amber said, trying to keep Alex calm.

“Oh no! No, no, no, no, no!” Anna said defiantly as she backed towards the door to block it. “They can’t leave. Then all my hard work would be for nothing.”

Alex stared at her. She was little, how hard could it be to take her down? He lunged at her. Bad plan. Anna stuck her foot out right as he lunged, making him trip and fall flat on his face. She laughed, and then reached down and tied his hands together with the scarf that was hanging on a nearby doorknob, and then tying him to said doorknob.

Just as she had finished, she looked up to see Rian had a cell phone out. “Nooooo!” she lunged at him and yanked the phone out of his hands. It was too late. She looked at the screen to see the words “message sent” displayed. They seemed to taunt her, as if bragging, “Haha the message was sent!”

Shoving the phone in her pocket she went over to Zack. “Give me your phone!” she demanded, holding her hand out.

He obliged, placing his phone in her hand. Jack was fast asleep on the couch, so she didn’t really have to worry about him. She looked at Rian’s phone.

He had sent a text message to Gabe Saporta. It read: “Kidnapped, need rescue!”

Anna wasn’t sure why he had sent it to Gabe, instead of someone like the cops, but that made it easier for her. Chances are, Gabe wouldn’t be able to find them. However, she wasn’t going to take any chances whatsoever.

First, she found some rope in the garage to tie up the other band members, and retie Alex because rope was much more secure than a scarf. She tied Jack up too, although that one was more for fun. She wasn’t all that worried about him trying to escape.

Once this task was finished, she turned to Amber.

“We’re going to set up some booby traps,” Anna stated.

“What, why?” Amber asked, confused.

“In case Gabe comes trying to rescue them.” Anna replied.

“Great.” Amber rolled her eyes. She had completely given up any hope of taking control, and decided to do her sisters bidding. Maybe eventually Anna would come to her senses, but until then, Amber had always liked the idea of setting up booby traps around their house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but oh so much fun!
This might be the last chapter for a little bit, I feel like taking a nap.