Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime


Anna and Amber sat in chairs facing the band, which had been relocated to the basement and tied to various pieces of furniture. The booby traps had been set around every possible entrance to the house, although Amber didn’t think anyone was actually coming. The text message had not revealed a location, or any information on how to find them.

Amber knew this whole thing was crazy. If it was up to her, the band would be allowed to leave. But, Anna had different ideas, and Amber also knew that if the band reported them, both twins would be in trouble.

The band members all had different reactions towards the whole “kidnapping” thing. Alex was pissed. Jack was having a blast, saying that it was an adventure. Zack was annoyed but chose not to voice his feelings. Rian was the only one that seemed to be scared at all.

Anna was enjoying herself to no end. At around 7 in the morning she went upstairs and brought down a big box of pop-tarts. She handed them out to everyone except for Alex.

“Why don’t I get any?” he asked.

“Because,” Anna dragged out, “you tried to tackle me.”

“You kidnapped me!” he retorted back.

She stuck her tongue out at him and then took a bite of her pop-tart. “Mmm… so yummy!” she teased.

“C’mon Anna, let him have a pop-tart.” Amber said.

Anna scrunched up her face. “Fine.” She threw one of the silver baggies at him and untied one of his hands just like the rest. She was keeping a close eye on them while they had a hand free.

When they had all finished eating Anna went back around and tied them back up again.

“So what happens from here?” Alex asked. “You’ve kidnapped us, now what? Do we just stay down here forever, or are you going to let us go at some point?”

Anna shrugged. “I dunno yet.”

“Great.” Alex muttered.

“We could all be bestest friends!” Jack piped up.

Alex shook his head and laughed. Even after they had been kidnapped, Jack was still his crazy self. Of course, Jack’s crazy self is what had gotten them there in the first place.

There was a loud crashing noise upstairs, causing everyone to look up at the ceiling. “What was that?” Zack asked.

“One of the booby traps must have gone off,” Amber said.

Anna jumped up at this. “Maybe we caught another rockstar!” she exclaimed. Anna and Amber both went running up the stairs to see who had arrived.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha I couldn't sleep, so I wrote this.
I hope you guys like it, and comment about how much you love me for writing it. c(=
This is my favoritest story ever.