Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime


Anna was the first one up the stairs, with Amber right behind her. Anna pulled open the front door and stepped onto the porch.

“Aha!” she yelled as she pulled open the large wooden box that only opened from the outside.


A stray cat was inside. That’s what had set off the booby trap.

“Aww, Kitty!” Anna exclaimed.

“Boring,” Amber said, turning to the fallen box.

“I’m going to name you Rockstar!” Anna said, picking up the cat and taking it into the house.

“Hey, you can’t keep it. We share the house, remember?” Amber told her sister.

“C’mon, please?” Anna pleaded with a pouty face. “I promise to take care of it, and I will keep it in my room.”

“Whatever.” Amber gave in. She wasn’t really very concerned with the cat, as much as with the four actual rock stars tied up in their basement. “We need to reset the booby trap.”

Anna complied and began to help her sister but just as soon as they got it back
up, the back-door trap went off.

“I swear to god, if that’s another stray animal…” Amber trailed off as she followed Anna, who was running to the back door.

Anna swung the back door open, and found Gabe Saporta hanging in the air by a rope wrapped around his foot.

“Hi Gabe!” Anna squealed jumping around like an excited monkey. “What are you doing here?”

“Who are you?” Gabe raised an eyebrow, which was a very amusing sight when he was upside down.

“I’m Anna,” she said simply, while reaching up into his pockets.

“Okay Anna, can I ask what you’re doing?” he asked, shocked by her sudden motion.

She pulled out his cell phone and held it up to look at it. Gabe reached out to try and snatch it from her, but she quickly pulled it away and put it in her pocket.

Neither Anna nor Gabe had noticed that Amber was gone, until she came back with more rope in her hands. She handed it to Anna, who then used it to tie Gabe’s hands
and feet together. Then she pulled out a pocket knife and cut the rope which he was hanging by. Gabe fell to the ground and lay in a crumpled ball on the ground.

“Oops, forgot that would happen,” Anna said, making Amber laugh hysterically and Gabe look at her with an evil glare.

Amber grabbed Gabe’s hands and Anna grabbed his feet and together they carried him into the house and down the basement stairs.

The cat had already found its way to the people downstairs, and was currently entertaining itself by rolling around and rubbing itself against Alex. Alex, in turn, just watched, slightly amused.

As soon as Rian saw Gabe he groaned. “Dude, you were supposed to call the cops or something, not try to rescue us yourself!”

“Right, sorry.” He mumbled as he was placed on the floor and tied to a nearby chair.

“So, it looks like our party is getting bigger!” Anna said.
♠ ♠ ♠
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