Status: Finished. Sequel in progress (Dear Anna, Count Me In)

The All Time Crime

The Fight

All of the kidnapped rock stars were sleeping, as Amber and Anna sat around doing nothing.

“Can I talk to you?” Amber asked, pulling Anna out of the room.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Alex had a point,” Anna said seriously. “What are you going to do now? You can’t keep them tied up in the basement forever.”

“I told you, I am going to make Jack fall in love with me!” Anna answered.

“Great. And if by some tiny chance that plan fails?” Amber asked sarcastically.

Anna just shrugged. “Then we make Alex fall in love with you.”

Amber shook her head exasperated. As much as she loved her sister, she could be so stupid sometimes.

All of a sudden they heard loud crashing noises coming from the other room where the band members (+ Gabe) were tied up. They quickly went running to see what had happened.

When they arrived back in the room, they saw that Alex was on top of Gabe and was kicking him repeatedly. This was really the only thing he could do since his hands were tied up. The crash had been from the armchair that Alex was tied to falling over. Everyone else remained in their places, with looks of shock and amusement on their faces.

Nobody noticed that the twins had reentered the room.

“You are so stupid!” Alex said angrily towards Gabe.

“Dude, chill. I am not that dumb, I told Wentz where I was going. He knows to come looking for me if we don’t return soon.

This made Alex let go of Gabe. “Fine” he huffed, scooting himself back.

“Pete Wentz?” Amber asked shocked. Everyone jumped at her voice.

“Uhh... No. That was just to get Alex off of me,” Gabe lied. After all, who wants their kidnappers to know what their only hope of escape is.

“Uh-huh. I am going to go check the traps.” Amber said and left, obviously not buying the lie.

Anna, on the other hand, just went over and turned on the stereo, and then started dancing.

Everyone watched her, looking at her like she was crazy, which she kind of was. Rockstar tried determinedly to rub up against her legs as she danced.

“Who wants to dance with me?” she asked, looking around the room at the five kidnapees.

Everyone’s hands immediately shot up. Probably because they hoped that if she untied them they could take her out and escape.

Smiling, Anna danced her way over to Jack. “I pick you!” she said reaching down to untie his hands.
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