Smooth Criminals


It was 1927 and I was a woman. What I mean by that is it was hard for us women during this time. We had to wear dresses, we weren't allowed to work in actual jobs, and we very recently got our right to vote. I didn't really have a problem with any of this because I found a way to solve it. And me being only 27 years old, I didn't really have anything better to do what I did for a living. Let me explain.

I hated being a housewife even though I wasn't a wife to anyone. All I would do during my average day was listen to the radio. And I wasn't one of those people who would constantly listen to the women's station. By women's station I mean constant bickering and talking about men and the latest fashion. I wasn't interested in that.

And I wouldn't listen to baseball games like most of the other men. Instead, I would listen to the crime station where they basically talked about the latest crime in the town of Chicago. Their were two people other than Al Capone that I heard the most about. Their names were Michael J. Jackson and John Depp. They were known as the Dynamic Duo and could raid a bank in less than a minute.

I had always imagined the Dynamic Duo as how they looked and how they raided a bank. They were described as two shadows that were mysteriously amazing. They came, they stole, they shot gunfire as a threat, and they ran.

The shadows that they mentioned on the radio were two colors. One was a white blur and the other a pitch black blur. They both wore fedoras on their heads to cover their identities, even though everyone knew who they were.

To me their life seemed exciting and a thrill. I wanted their life even though they were known as criminals and if caught they would spend life in jail. The police tried hundreds of times to catch them. One time John Depp was captured and the next day he escaped without anyone seeing him.

Even though I was a woman living alone with my large black Great Dane named Donatello who was trained to be a watchdog and helped me with my job, I wanted to be up on the scale with Michael and John. In a way I was. I was a woman who robbed street criminals with an expertise in street fighting and incredible knowledge.

The thing was, the whole town had a name for me. The Masked Ghost.

I was named the Masked Ghost because I had a bandanna covering my nose down around my chin so no one knew I was in fact a woman. I also wore a black fedora with my wavy woman's hair piled on top of my head. To finish my disguise, I wore black men's trousers with a white top with the trouser straps holding down my chest.

When I wasn't out stealing from mob dealers or street criminals, I was sitting inside with Donatello listening to the radio in one of the dresses my mother gave me before she passed away. My father passed away just a month after my mother died. I was an only child and I lived alone. Well, besides Donatello.

My love life wasn't that exciting. I always had men whistle at me when I walked down the street with my hair piled high on top of my head in a bun and with my long dress inches off of the ground. The men probably wouldn't whistle at me if they knew I was the Masked Ghost.

I didn't have many friends. I had one friend known as Annie, even though her real name was Ann. She worked in a whore house along with my other friend Diana. It wasn't the best job, but they were paid money for doing something good. They didn't know my secret and I wasn't planning on telling them. I couldn't trust anyone.

I was a lone wolf. Well, once again, except for Donatello who helped me do everything although I left him inside when I went into public during the day. But when night came, the Masked Ghost was out with her side kick known as the Black Horse. He was big enough to be considered a small horse, but I wouldn't have tried to ride him. He just helped me in the ways that I had trained him.

I trained myself to fight. I started with just fighting off of robbers and I went up to the big class. I just hoped that one day I would be like the Dynamic Duo and I hoped that my identity would stay hidden under my bandanna.

So, that was my life as Alyssa Gray or more commonly known as the Masked Ghost. But that's just the beginning.
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